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Anderson, Thomas. 2017. “The housing conditions of Aboriginal people in Canada.” Census in Brief. October. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-200-X.
Balakrishnan, Thanushan R. and Rozzet Jurdi. 2007. Spatial Residential Patterns of Aboriginals and Their Socioeconomic Integration in Selected Canadian Cities. Aboriginal Policy Research Consortium International. Vol. 4. p. 263–274.
Belanger, Yale D., Gabrielle Weasel Head and Olu Awosoga. 2012. “Housing and Aboriginal people in urban centres: A quantitative evaluation.” aboriginal policy studies. June. Vol. 2, no. 1. p. 4–25.
Carter, Tom, Chesya Polevychok and Kurt Sargent. 2003. “Is Winnipeg’s Aboriginal population ghettoized?” Research Highlights. December. Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg. No. 2.
Caron-Malenfant, Éric, Simon Coulombe, Eric Guimond, Chantal Grondin and André Lebel. 2014. “Ethnic Mobility of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada Between the 2001 and 2006 Censuses.” Population-E. 69 (1). p. 29-54.
Darden, Joe T. and Sameh M. Kamel. 2002. “The spatial and socioeconomic analysis of First Nation People in Toronto CMA.” The Canadian Journal of Native Studies. January. Vol. 22, no. 2. p. 239–267.
Fong, Eric. 1996. “A comparative perspective on racial residential segregation: American and Canadian experiences.” The Sociological Quarterly. Vol. 37, no. 2. p.199–226.
Maxim, Paul S., Jerry P. White, Paul C. Whitehead and Daniel Beavon. 2000. “Patterns of urban residential settlement among Canada’s First Nations communities.” Population Studies Centre Discussion Papers Series. Vol. 14, no. 8, article 1.
Morency, Jean-Dominique, Éric Caron-Malenfant, Simon Coulombe and Stéphanie Langlois. 2015. “Projections of the Aboriginal Population and Households in Canada, 2011 to 2036.” September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 91-552-X.
Newhouse, David and Evelyn J. Peters. 2011. Not strangers in these parts: Urban Aboriginal peoples. Policy Research Initiative.
Norris, Mary Jane and Stewart Clatworthy. 2011. Urbanization and Migration Patterns of Aboriginal Populations in Canada: A Half Century in Review (1951 to 2006). aboriginal policy studies. April. Vol. 1, no. 1. p. 13–77.
O’Donnell, Vivian and Russell Lapointe. 2019. “Response mobility and the growth of the Aboriginal identity population, 2006–2011 and 2011–2016.” National Household Survey: Aboriginal Peoples. October. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-011-X.
Statistics Canada. 2017. “Aboriginal peoples in Canada: Key results from the 2016 Census.” The Daily. October. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-001-X.
Statistics Canada. 2008. “Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census.” 2006 Census: Analysis Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 97-558-X.
Walks, R. Alan and Larry S. Bourne. 2006. “Ghettos in Canada’s cities? Racial segregation, ethnic enclaves and poverty concentration in Canadian urban areas.” The Canadian Geographer. Vol. 50, no. 3. p. 273–297.
Zhang, Xuelin. 2017. “Children living in low‑income households.” Census in Brief. September. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-200-X.
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