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Bollman, Ray D. (2007) Factors Driving Canada’s Rural Economy (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Agriculture and Rural Working Paper No. 83, Cat. no. 21-601-MIE.


Bollman, Ray D. Roland Beshiri and Verna Mitura. (2006). Northern Ontario’s communities: Economic diversification, specialization and growth (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Agriculture and Rural Working Paper No. 82, Cat. no. 21-601-MIE).


Beckstead, Desmond and W. Mark Brown. (2005) Provincial Income Disparities Through an Urban-Rural Lens: Evidence from the 2001 Census (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Micro-economic Analysis Division, Cat. no. 11-624-MIE, No. 012).

du Plessis, Valerie and Melissa Cooke-Reynolds. (2005) “Self-employment activity of rural Canadians.” Canadian Social Trends (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 11-008, Spring), pp. 18 – 23.


Audas, Rick and Ted McDonald. (2004) “Rural-urban migration in the 1990s,” Canadian Social Trends. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 11-008, Summer, No. 73), pp17-24.

du Plessis, Valerie. (2004) Trends in Non-farm Self-employment activity for Rural Women, 1981-2001 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Agriculture and Rural Working Paper No. 71, Cat. no. 21-601-MIE).)