Hearing health of Canadian adults

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Release date: October 20, 2021
Infographic: Hearing health of Canadian adults
Description: Hearing health of Canadian adults

Hearing loss often occurs gradually as part of the aging process, but it may also be caused by loud noise, trauma, medications and disease.

Tinnitus is the perception of noise that is not generated by an external source, such as ringing, hissing, buzzing, rushing or roaring sounds in the ears.

Hearing loss and tinnitus are common among Canadians adults, especially men

Overall, 38% of adults aged 20 to 79 years had hearing loss, while 37% had tinnitus.

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1 Audiometrically measured hearing loss and Tinnitus (past year) (appearing as column headers).
Audiometrically measured hearing loss Tinnitus (past year)
Men 43 39
Women 32 34

In Canada, hearing loss is more common at older ages, while the percentage of Canadians with tinnitus is similar across age groups.

Percentage of Canadians with audiometrically measured hearing loss and percentage of Canadians reporting tinnitus (past year), Canada excluding the territories, 2012 to 2015

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Age groups (appearing as row headers), Audiometrically measured hearing loss and Tinnitus (past year) (appearing as column headers).
Age groups Audiometrically measured hearing loss Tinnitus (past year)
20 to 39 9 40
40 to 49 27 33
50 to 59 51 35
60 to 69 77 38
70 to 79 94 31

Overall, 60% of Canadians aged 19 to 79 have a hearing health problem: audiometrically measured hearing loss, tinnitus (past year) or both conditions.

Percentage of Canadians with hearing health problems, Canada excluding the territories, 2012 to 2015

  • No hearing loss or tinnitus: 40
  • Tinnitus only: 22
  • Hearing loss and tinnitus: 14
  • Hearing loss only: 23

Many Canadians aged 40 to 79 years are unaware that they have hearing loss.

Unperceived hearing loss 

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3 Audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss and Self-reported hearing impairment (appearing as column headers).
Audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss Self-reported hearing impairment
Men 63 8
Women 46 5

Sources: Ramage-Morin PL, Banks R, Pineault D, Atrach M. 2019. Tinnitus in Canada. Health Reports 30(3). doi: 10.25318/82-003-x201900300001-eng.

Ramage-Morin PL, Banks R, Pineault D, et al. 2021. Hypertension associated with hearing health problems. Health Reports 32 (10). doi: 10.25318/82-003-x201900300001-eng.

2012 to 2013 and 2014 to 2015 Canadian Health Measures Surveys, combined (custom tabulation).

Ramage-Morin PL, Banks R, Pineault D, Atrach M. 2019. Unperceived hearing loss among Canadians aged 40 to 79. Health Reports 30 (8). doi: 10.25318/82-003-x201900800002-eng.

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