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This study was prepared by Jane Lin, Distributive Trades Division
Review Committee: Richard Evans, John Flanders, Paul Gratton and Dave McDowell
Special contribution: Annie Côté-Steski and Elaine Wilson
Managing Editor: Yvan Gervais
Production: Debi Soucy
November 2003
Catalogue no. 11-621-MIE2003006
Frequency: Occasional
ISSN 1707-0503
ISBN 0-662-35317-X
For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Jane Lin (613) 951-9691, Distributive Trades Division. Enquiries can also be made to 1-800-263-1136. E-mail enquiries can be sent to
All rights reserved.
Published by the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
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