Annual Demographic Estimates: Subprovincial Areas, July 1, 2020
Related products

Selected publications from Statistics Canada

91-002-X Quarterly Demographic Estimates

91-003-X Canadian Demographics at a Glance

91-209-X Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada

91-215-X Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories

91-520-X Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories

91-528-X Population and Family Estimation Methods at Statistics Canada

Selected tables from Statistics Canada

17-10-0135 Population estimates, July 1, by census metropolitan area and census agglomeration, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0136 Components of population change by census metropolitan area and census agglomeration, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0137 Population estimates, July 1, by economic region, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0138 Components of population change by economic region, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0139 Population estimates, July 1, by census division, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0140 Components of population change by census division, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0141 Interprovincial and intraprovincial migrants, by census metropolitan area and census agglomeration of origin and destination, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0142 Population estimates, July 1, by census subdivision, 2016 boundaries

17-10-0005 Population estimates on July 1st, by age and sex

17-10-0006 Estimates of deaths, by age and sex, annual

17-10-0008 Estimates of the components of demographic growth, annual

17-10-0009 Population estimates, quarterly

17-10-0014 Estimates of the components of international migration, by age and sex, annual

17-10-0015 Estimates of the components of interprovincial migration, by age and sex, annual

17-10-0016 Estimates of births, by sex, annual

17-10-0020 Estimates of the components of interprovincial migration, quarterly

17-10-0021 Estimates of the components of interprovincial migration, annual

17-10-0022 Estimates of interprovincial migrants by province or territory of origin and destination, annual

17-10-0040 Estimates of the components of international migration, quarterly

17-10-0045 Estimates of interprovincial migrants by province or territory of origin and destination, quarterly

17-10-0059 Estimates of the components of natural increase, quarterly

17-10-0060 Estimates of population as of July 1st, by marital status or legal marital status, age and sex

Selected surveys from Statistics Canada

3601 Estimates of Total Population, Canada, Provinces and Territories

3604 Estimates of Population by Age and Sex for Canada, Provinces and Territories

3605 Estimates of Population by Marital Status, Legal Marital Status, Age and sex for Canada, Provinces and Territories

3608 Estimates of Population by Age and Sex for Census Divisions, Census Metropolitan Areas and Economic Regions (Component Method)

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