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  1. Related CANSIM tables
Table 1.1 Annual population estimates by census metropolitan area, Canada
Table 1.1-1 Population by sex at July 1
Table 1.1-2 Population rate of growth from July to June
Table 1.1-3 Population by age group and sex at July 1, 2011
Table 1.1-4 Distribution of population by age group and sex at July 1, 2011
Table 1.1-5 Demographic indicators, age and dependency ratio at July 1
Table 1.2 Annual estimates of demographic components by census metropolitan area, Canada, from July to June
Table 1.2-1 Births
Table 1.2-2 Deaths
Table 1.2-3 Immigrants
Table 1.2-4 Emigrants
Table 1.2-5 Returning emigrants
Table 1.2-6 Net temporary emigrants
Table 1.2-7 Net non-permanent residents
Table 1.2-8 Net interprovincial migration
Table 1.2-9 Net intraprovincial migration
Table 1.2-10 Total population growth
Table 1.2-11 Natural increase
Table 1.2-12 Net international migration
Table 1.2-13 Total net migration
Table 1.3 Annual population estimates and demographic factors of growth by census metropolitan area, Canada, from July to June
Table 1.3-1 Population estimates and factors of growth
Table 1.3-2 Factors of growth
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