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  1. Federal departments and agencies reported that they intend on spending $10.5 billion on science and technology activities (S&T) for fiscal year 2013/2014, down 3.3% from 2012/2013.
  1. S&T spending comprises two components: research and development (R&D) and related scientific activities (RSA). In 2013/2014, federal government departments and agencies reported that they anticipate spending on R&D to be $6.8 billion, with RSA accounting for the remaining $3.7 billion. Examples of related scientific activities include the gathering, processing and analyzing of data, feasibility and policy studies, information services and museum services.
  1. Extramural expenditures are anticipated by federal departments and agencies to account for approximately half ($5.3 billion) of expected federal S&T expenditures in 2013/2014. The higher education sector continues to be the leading recipient of federal government extramural S&T spending, receiving 61.5% of total 2013/2014 extramural expenditures.
  1. In 2013/2014, federal departments and agencies are anticipating that they would employ 35,192 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions engaged in S&T activities. Of this total, 19,052 positions will be classified as scientific and professional, 7,469 as technical and 8,671 as other staff engaged in S&T support activities. Fifty-six percent or 19,845 federal FTE personnel will be engaged in related scientific activities (RSA) (including the administration of extramural RSA programs).
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