Table 1.6
Victims of self-reported spousal violence in current relationships within the past 12 months, by sex and selected demographic characteristics, 1999, 2004 and 2009

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Victims of self-reported spousal violence in current relationships within the past 12 months, by sex and selected demographic characteristics, 1999, 2004 and 2009
Type of demographic characteristic 1999 2004 2009
  number (thousands) percent number (thousands) percent number (thousands) percent
Age group of victim  
15 to 24 23 E 4.7 E 21 E 4.5 E F F
25 to 34 1 87 3.1 70 2.5 69 E 2.3 E
35 to 44 82 2.0 65 1.6 72 E 1.9 E
45 and over 57 0.8 * 74 0.9 * 74 0.7 *
Marital status  
Married 1 172 1.3 142 1.1 142 1.0
Common-law 77 3.8 * 88 3.3 * 90 E 2.8 E*
Family type  
Intact 1 120 1.7 105 1.5 104 1.3
Blended 2 27 E 3.7 E* 17 E 1.8 E 33 E 3.1 E*
Couple without children 96 1.4 105 1.4 89 1.1
Lone parent F F F F F F
Household income  
Less than $30,000 1 58 2.8 27 E 1.7 E 22 E 1.8 E
$30,000 to $59,999 85 1.9 76 1.8 52 E 1.5 E
$60,000 or more 66 1.3 * 104 1.5 144 1.4
Not stated/don't know 41 E 1.2 E* 22 E 0.8 E 14 E 0.5 E
Education of victim  
High school diploma or less 1 83 1.6 66 1.3 42 E 0.9 E
Some post secondary 3 112 2.0 95 1.5 117 1.6
University degree 49 1.6 62 1.6 73 E 1.4 E
Not stated/don't know F F F F F F
Education of spouse or partner  
High school diploma or less 1 125 1.8 94 1.3 75 1.1
Some post secondary 3 68 1.7 79 1.8 80 1.6
University degree 49 1.7 49 E 1.3 E 75 E 1.5 E
Not stated/don't know F F F F F F
Victim's place of residence  
Census metropolitan area .. .. 146 1.5 172 1.5
Non census metropolitan area .. .. 84 1.4 60 E 1.0 E
Total violence by current partner 250 1.7 230 1.4 232 1.3
significant difference from reference group (p < 0.05)
Reference group.
A blended family contains children of both spouses (married or common-law) from one or more previous unions or one or more children from the current union and one or more children from previous unions.
Some post secondary includes diploma, a certificate from a community college, or a trade/technical school.
Includes legally married, common-law, and same-sex spouses. Values may not add up to totals due to rounding. Excludes data from the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut which will be published at a later date.
Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 1999, 2004 and 2009.
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