Section 1: Police-reported family violence against children and youth in Canada, 2017

by Shana Conroy

Police-reported family violence against children and youth higher in 2017 than 2016

Chart 1.1 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by sex and year, Canada, 2009 to 2017

Data table for Chart 1.1
Data table for Chart 1.1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 1.1. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Family violence, Non-family violence, female victims, male victims and total victims, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Family violence Non-family violence
female victims male victims total victims female victims male victims total victims
rate per 100,000 population
2009 324 211 266 791 878 835
2010 337 210 272 778 823 801
2011 324 209 265 717 769 743
2012 318 204 259 683 705 694
2013 299 191 244 627 585 606
2014 288 189 237 568 514 540
2015 280 186 232 574 513 543
2016 282 187 233 602 509 554
2017 305 193 247 650 531 589

Nearly six in ten child and youth victims of police-reported family violence victimized by a parent

Physical assault most common type of police-reported family violence against children and youth

Three-quarters of child and youth victims of police-reported family-related sexual offences saw a charge laid

Physical force used against three in four child and youth victims of police-reported family violence

Rate of police-reported family violence against children and youth more than three times higher among male accused

Rate of police-reported family violence against children and youth higher in every census metropolitan area for female victims

Chart 1.2 Child and youth victims of police-reported family violence, by sex and urban or rural location, provinces, 2017

Data table for Chart 1.2
Data table for Chart 1.2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 1.2 Family violence, Non-family violence, Female victims, Male victims and Total victims, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Family violence Non-family violence
Female victims Male victims Total victims Female victims Male victims Total victims
rate per 100,000 population
Urban 260 171 214 587 511 548
Rural 517 300 406 936 624 776

Family-related homicide against children and youth most commonly motivated by frustration, anger or despair

Detailed data tables

Table 1.1 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex, age group and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2017

Table 1.2 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex, age group and type of violation, Canada, 2017

Table 1.3 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex, type of violation and clearance status, Canada, 2017

Table 1.4 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by sex of victim, type of weapon present and level of injury, Canada, 2017

Table 1.5 Persons accused of police-reported family and non-family violence against children and youth, by accused sex, age group and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2017

Table 1.6 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and province or territory, 2016 to 2017

Table 1.7 Child and youth victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex, age group and urban or rural area, provinces, 2017

Table 1.8 Child and youth victims of police-reported family violence, by victim sex and census metropolitan area, 2017

Table 1.9 Child and youth victims of family-related and non-family homicide, by age group of victim and type of motive, Canada, 2007 to 2017

Table 1.10 Child and youth victims of family-related and non-family homicide, by victim sex and year, Canada, 2007 to 2017

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