Table 2
Victimization reported to police, by region, 1999 and 2009

Table 2
Victimization reported to police, by region, 1999 and 2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of Victimization reported to police Non-spousal violence, Spousal violence, Household victimization, Theft of personal property, 1999, 2009† and 2009, calculated using percent reported to police units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Non-spousal violenceNote 1 Spousal violenceNote 2 Household victimizationNote 1 Theft of personal propertyNote 1
1999 2009Note  1999 2009Note  1999 2009Note  1999 2009Note 
percent reported to police
Canada 31 29 28Note * 22 44Note * 36 35Note * 28
Atlantic provinces 35 35 27 28 42Note * 35 23 25
Quebec 36 28 20 20 46 41Note ** 30Note * 22Note **
Ontario 30 27 31Note * 20 43Note * 33 34Note * 29
Prairies 33 34 29 26 44Note * 36 41Note * 29
British Columbia 22 25 29 21 46Note * 37 39 35
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