Table 3
Canadians' self-reported feelings of satisfaction with their personal safety from crime by selected demographic characteristics, 2009

Table 3
Canadians' self-reported feelings of satisfaction with their personal safety from crime by selected demographic characteristics, 2009
Characteristics Very or somewhat satisfied Very or somewhat dissatisfied
number (thousands) percent number (thousands) percent
FemaleNote 12,774 91 1,063 8
Male 12,865 94Note * 664 5Note *
15 to 24Note 4,200 94 261 6
25 to 34 4,362 94 242 5
35 to 44 4,461 93 298 6
45 to 54 4,902 92 372 7
55 to 64 3,736 92Note * 280 7
65 and over 3,978 90Note * 274 6
Marital status  
MarriedNote 13,177 93 817 6
Common-law 2,967 93 206 6
Single 6,565 93 457 6
Widowed 1,226 90Note * 93 7
Separated/divorced 1,683 90Note * 152 8Note *
Household income  
Less than $20,000Note 1,257 87 142 10
$20,000 to $39,999 2,979 91Note * 240 7Note *
$40,000 to $59,999 3,558 92Note * 258 7Note *
$60,000 to $99,999 5,823 94Note * 355 6Note *
$100,000 or more 6,835 95Note * 360 5Note *
Aboriginal identity  
Aboriginal peopleNote 781 89 86 10
Non-aboriginal 24,692 93Note * 1,612 6Note *
Immigrant status  
ImmigrantNote 5,252 92 367 6
Non-immigrant 20,335 93 1,351 6
Visible minority  
Visible minorityNote 3,382 92 259 7
Non-visible minority 22,021 93 1,431 6
Sexual orientation  
HeterosexualNote 23,226 93 1,546 6
Homosexual 243 91 21 8
Bi-sexual 234 88 28 11
Activity limitations  
Limited in activitiesNote 7,731 89 780 9
No limitation 17,804 94Note * 935 5Note *
reference category
* significantly different from reference category (p < 0.05)
Note: Data from Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut were collected using a different methodology and are therefore excluded. Responses of "don't know" and "not stated" are included in the total, but are not shown separately.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2009.
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