Table 6
Divorce and other family breakdown cases involving a single issue by elapsed time from case initiation to first disposition, 2009/2010

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Table 6
Divorce and other family breakdown cases involving a single issue by elapsed time from case initiation to first disposition, 2009/2010
Single issue identified in case Elapsed time to first disposition1 Total cases with full history3 Total active cases4
less than or equal to 3 months greater than 3 months to 6 months greater than 6 months to 12 months greater than 12 months Unknown Total cases with disposition2
Child support 11,805 3,707 1,541 809 40 17,902 20,756 23,988
Custody 13,003 1,451 589 221 11 15,275 17,313 17,807
Access 6,283 819 302 108 22 7,534 7,974 8,549
Child support 66 21 9 5 100
Custody 85 10 4 1 100
Access 84 11 4 1 100
… not applicable
1. Calculated for cases where the full case history was reported to the Civil Court Survey.
2. A disposition is a court event that disposes part or all of the civil case (e.g., settlement, consent judgment and judgment).
3. Refers to cases where the complete case history has been collected by the Civil Court Survey.
4. Refers to court cases that had activity or were initiated during the year.
Note: Excludes data from Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan due to the unavailability of data. "Other family breakdown" refers to cases that addressed issues of custody, access, support or division of property outside of a divorce proceeding such as cases of separation or those deciding arrangements for a child born outside a union.
Source: Statistics Canada, Civil Court Survey.
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