Table 1
Number of admissions to adult correctional services, reporting jurisdictions, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009

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Type of admission 2007/2008 2008/2009 Percent distribution 2008/2009 Percent change from 2007/2008
number percent
Custodial supervision
Provincial and territorial sentenced custody
80,014 80,424 22 1
154,453 152,823 41 -1
Other temporary detention
18,366 18,164 5 -1
Total provincial and territorial custody
252,833 251,411 68 -1
Federal custody
8,594 8,323 2 -3
Total custodial supervision
261,427 259,734 70 -1
Community supervision
82,142 84,281 23 3
Provincial parole
1,373 1,333 0 -3
Conditional sentences
17,620 18,404 5 4
Total provincial and territorial community supervision
101,135 104,018 28 3
Community releases (Correctional Service Canada)1
7,833 8,016 2 2
Total community supervision
108,968 112,034 30 3
Total correctional services 370,395 371,768 100 0
1. This category represents movement from federal custody to federal conditional release and includes provincial and territorial and federal offenders released on day parole or full parole, and federal offenders on statutory release. Offenders released on warrant expiry and other release types are excluded.
Notes: Due to missing data, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories have been excluded. Prior to 2008/2009, other temporary detention in British Columbia was captured under sentenced custody. Alberta uses a different counting methodology whereby an admission to custody is counted once, regardless of change in status. For instance, an individual who moves from remand to sentenced custody will be counted as one admission to remand and one admission to sentenced custody. This report has included Alberta's remanded later sentenced admissions in both the number of admissions to remand and then again in the number of admissions to sentenced custody, resulting in a higher number of admissions than that reported by the jurisdiction.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Adult Correctional Services Survey.
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