Table 1
Number and percentage of households that received formal home care in the past year, household population, Canada, 2015/2016

Table 1
Number and percentage of households that received formal home care in the past year, household population, Canada, 2015/2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Number and percentage of households that received formal home care in the past year. The information is grouped by Home care services (appearing as row headers), % and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Home care services % 95% confidence interval
from to
Total 6.4 6.2 6.6
Number of people in household receiving care
One 5.9 5.7 6.1
Two or more 0.5 0.4 0.5
Type of home care service
Home health care (HHC) only 3.1 3.0 3.3
Support only 2.1 1.9 2.2
Both HHC and support 1.2 1.1 1.3
Number of home care services receivedTable 1 Note 
1 4.5 4.3 4.7
2 1.1 1.1 1.3
3 or more 0.7 0.7 0.8
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