Table E.1.5.2
Percentage of 25- to 64-year-olds who participated in formal and/or non-formal education, by numeracy proficiency level and sex, Canada, provinces and territories, 2012

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Table E.1.5.2
Percentage of 25- to 64-year-olds who participated in formal and/or non-formal education, by numeracy proficiency level and sex, Canada, provinces and territories, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Percentage of 25- to 64-year-olds who participated in formal and/or non-formal education Reported participating in formal and/or non-formal education, Numeracy proficiency, Level 0/1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4/5 and Total, calculated using percent and standard error units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Reported participating in formal and/or non-formal education
Numeracy proficiency
Level 0/1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4/5 Total
percent standard error percent standard error percent standard error percent standard error percent standard error
OECD average  
Men 31 (0.7) 44 (0.5) 60 (0.5) 73 (0.7) 52 (0.2)
Women 32 (0.6) 47 (0.5) 61 (0.5) 73 (0.9) 50 (0.2)
Both sexes 31 (0.5) 46 (0.4) 60 (0.3) 73 (0.6) 51 (0.2)
Men 36 (2.0) 53 (1.8) 68 (1.5) 78 (1.9) 59 (0.8)
Women 38 (1.7) 56 (1.5) 70 (1.5) 79 (2.5) 58 (0.7)
Both sexes 37 (1.3) 55 (1.0) 69 (1.0) 78 (1.5) 58 (0.6)
Newfoundland and Labrador  
Men 27 (3.4) 48 (4.7) 67 (5.3) 79 (6.8) 49 (2.0)
Women 28 (3.3) 48 (4.2) 64 (4.8) 73 (9.6) 46 (1.9)
Both sexes 27 (2.5) 48 (3.2) 65 (3.8) 76 (5.9) 48 (1.6)
Prince Edward Island  
Men 25Note E: Use with caution (6.2) 53 (6.4) 65 (7.0) 71 (9.2) 53 (3.1)
Women 45 (6.8) 61 (4.9) 74 (4.1) 78 (7.6) 64 (1.9)
Both sexes 35 (4.8) 58 (4.1) 70 (3.8) 74 (7.0) 59 (1.9)
Nova Scotia  
Men 44 (6.6) 55 (6.0) 70 (5.4) 82 (5.0) 62 (2.5)
Women 38 (4.9) 53 (4.4) 74 (4.2) 84 (7.1) 58 (2.1)
Both sexes 41 (3.8) 54 (3.7) 72 (3.3) 83 (3.8) 60 (1.5)
New Brunswick  
Men 34 (4.6) 51 (4.6) 67 (4.6) 74 (7.8) 55 (2.0)
Women 23 (3.8) 48 (4.1) 66 (4.7) 90 (8.5) 48 (2.1)
Both sexes 28 (2.7) 49 (2.8) 66 (3.1) 79 (6.3) 51 (1.4)
Men 27 (2.5) 41 (2.2) 59 (2.1) 77 (3.0) 50 (1.1)
Women 32 (2.3) 50 (2.0) 66 (2.3) 82 (3.9) 53 (1.1)
Both sexes 30 (1.9) 46 (1.5) 63 (1.6) 78 (2.4) 51 (0.8)
Men 38 (3.9) 56 (3.2) 70 (2.8) 75 (3.6) 61 (1.5)
Women 40 (3.1) 60 (2.7) 71 (2.9) 78 (4.5) 60 (1.5)
Both sexes 39 (2.4) 58 (2.0) 71 (2.0) 76 (3.0) 60 (1.1)
Men 41 (6.1) 63 (5.1) 69 (4.5) 89 (5.0) 64 (2.1)
Women 43 (6.5) 59 (4.5) 70 (4.9) 83 (8.0) 61 (2.0)
Both sexes 42 (4.7) 61 (3.1) 69 (2.8) 87 (4.3) 62 (1.3)
Men 38 (6.0) 62 (5.6) 73 (4.3) 74 (7.4) 62 (2.4)
Women 49 (5.7) 56 (5.1) 70 (4.4) 88 (6.5) 62 (2.4)
Both sexes 44 (4.5) 59 (3.8) 72 (3.0) 80 (5.0) 62 (1.9)
Men 50 (7.5) 64 (7.5) 73 (6.0) 84 (4.8) 69 (2.7)
Women 44 (6.2) 52 (5.4) 71 (4.5) 78 (8.3) 58 (2.4)
Both sexes 47 (4.9) 58 (4.4) 72 (3.8) 82 (4.1) 64 (1.9)
British Columbia  
Men 32Note E: Use with caution (6.5) 55 (5.4) 72 (5.2) 81 (6.2) 61 (2.8)
Women 38 (5.1) 60 (5.6) 74 (4.8) 75 (7.2) 60 (2.4)
Both sexes 36 (4.0) 57 (3.8) 73 (3.5) 79 (4.8) 61 (2.0)
Men Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable 59Note E: Use with caution (13.6) 83 (8.6) 95 (3.8) 63 (6.7)
Women Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable 62Note E: Use with caution (15.4) 66Note E: Use with caution (17.3) 78Note E: Use with caution (18.7) 62 (6.1)
Both sexes Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable 60Note E: Use with caution (11.8) 74 (9.3) 90 (6.8) 63 (5.3)
Northwest Territories  
Men 40 (5.8) 53 (8.2) 74 (7.3) 81 (7.0) 56 (3.5)
Women 49 (7.5) 70 (5.3) 80 (4.2) 91 (10.7) 64 (3.5)
Both sexes 45 (4.5) 62 (5.1) 77 (4.5) 83 (5.9) 60 (2.2)
Men 29 (4.4) 51Note E: Use with caution (8.7) 70 (8.2) 66Note E: Use with caution (19.5) 41 (3.3)
Women 36 (4.7) 62 (8.8) 73 (9.5) 95 (8.4) 47 (3.4)
Both sexes 33 (3.2) 56 (6.3) 71 (5.7) 76 (12.3) 44 (2.5)
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