Table 1
Salaries of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities and colleges, 2008/2009

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Université de Sherbrooke 1
  Total teaching staff Teaching staff excluded Average Median Percentile
10th 90th
numbers dollars dollars
Including medical/dental
Full professors 368 8 119,322 120,229 107,589 132,103
With senior administrative duties
51 8 123,435 123,369 113,349 132,418
Without senior administrative duties
317 0 118,660 117,875 106,887 132,103
Associate professors 321 0 97,366 97,951 84,829 106,941
With senior administrative duties
26 0 104,808 103,796 90,133 116,589
Without senior administrative duties
295 0 96,710 97,527 84,809 106,122
Assistant professors 299 0 77,989 77,857 68,968 86,848
Rank below assistant 17 0 66,999 62,890 57,210 84,420
Rank below preceding 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other teaching staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
All ranks combined (including deans) 1,013 0 99,596 101,070 73,565 123,141
655 0 103,964 105,750 76,631 129,248
358 0 91,605 86,848 71,995 117,875
Visiting staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
Excluding medical/dental
Full professors 301 7 121,164 120,528 109,362 132,976
With senior administrative duties
44 7 124,466 124,765 111,471 132,766
Without senior administrative duties
257 0 120,599 120,528 108,519 133,381
Associate professors 198 0 97,998 98,120 85,404 109,837
With senior administrative duties
16 0 106,983 109,718 93,638 116,589
Without senior administrative duties
182 0 97,208 97,527 84,809 106,978
Assistant professors 148 0 79,981 79,119 72,144 86,848
Rank below assistant 17 0 66,999 62,890 57,210 84,420
Rank below preceding 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other teaching staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
All ranks combined (including deans) 671 0 104,166 106,122 76,735 129,706
450 0 108,064 111,015 79,119 132,103
221 0 96,228 93,993 73,565 120,528
Visiting staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. Salaries in Quebec are under-represented since professors on sabbatical are reported with a reduced annual rate of salary.
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