Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program October 2023
Section D: Postsecondary education

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D1 Enrolment in postsecondary education

Registered apprentices

Overall, Indicator D1 portrays postsecondary enrolment. This sub-indicator presents information on the number of registered apprentices in Canada, and in its provinces and territories.

Table 37-10-0219-01 presents the apprenticeship programs by age groups, major trade groups, sex and registration status. Included in this table are numbers and percentages of apprenticeship registrations.

Concepts and definitions

Information on the number of registered apprentices is based on data provided by apprenticeship branches in the provinces and territories and includes all individuals registered in an apprenticeship program, whether or not they had been enrolled in any formal classroom training during the year. This information is collected through the Registered Apprenticeship Information System (RAIS), which gathers information on individuals who receive training and those who obtain certification in a trade for which apprenticeship training is being offered; specifically, the number of registered apprentices taking in-class and on-the-job training in trades that have either Red Seal or non-Red Seal endorsement, and for which apprenticeship training is either compulsory or voluntary. The RAIS survey also compiles data on the number of provincial and interprovincial Red Seal certificates granted to apprentices or trade qualifiers (challengers).Note 1



Data Sources


Overall, Indicator D1 portrays postsecondary enrolment. This sub-indicator presents information on student enrolment in colleges.

It should be noted that sex was replaced by gender in the 2017/2018 Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) release therefore, the sub-indicators included under this section have been updated accordingly.

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources


Overall, Indicator D1 portrays postsecondary enrolment. This sub-indicator provides information on student enrolment in universities.

It should be noted that sex was replaced by gender in the 2017/2018 Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) release therefore, the sub-indicators included under this section have been updated accordingly.

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources

International students

Overall, Indicator D1 portrays postsecondary enrolment. This sub-indicator provides information on international student enrolment in universities and colleges.

Concepts and definitions

This indicator presents international students as a proportion of enrolment in tertiary education in accordance with the four International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) categories,Note 3 which represent enrolments in colleges and universities.Note 4 Their distribution by province of study and by region of origin are also presented.

International students are those who are pursuing education in a country other than their country of residence or the country in which they were previously educated. In Canada, the concept of “international students” includes non-permanent residents,Note 5 such as those with a study permit. It also includes those enrolled in a Canadian program from a Canadian institution that is not located in Canada (also known as “offshore students”) as well as non-Canadian students studying via the Internet.


The proportion of enrolment at a given education level by international students is obtained by dividing the number of students who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents of Canada by the total number of students at that level, and multiplying this ratio by 100. The total number of students includes all individuals educated in Canada, whether they are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or foreign nationals as well as “off-shore students”, but it excludes all Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are educated abroad.

Data sources

The Canadian data were drawn from Statistics Canada’s Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS), which covers only public postsecondary institutions. Results for some jurisdictions rely in part on estimates made for non-responding institutions. Due to certain methodological adjustments that have been made to the PSIS collection tool to improve reporting and mapping to ISCED, comparisons of results with those from previous years should not be made.

The OECD data on foreign students and international students reflect the same academic year as for Canada, and are drawn from the UOE collection of statistical data on education, which was carried out by the OECD. In Canada and other OECD countries, domestic and international students are usually counted on a specific day or period of the year (e.g., PSIS provides a count of students enrolled in public colleges and universities in Canada based on enrolment for a single date chosen by the institution that falls between September 30 and December 1). This procedure may not capture the total number of international students as some students may study abroad for less than a full academic year (e.g., those that enter in the winter or spring terms).

Note: The corresponding OECD indicator is B6, What is the profile of internationally mobile students?.

D2 Graduation from postsecondary education

Certificates granted to registered apprentices and postsecondary graduates

Registered apprenticeship completions

Overall, Indicator D2 examines trends in postsecondary completions. This sub-indicator presents information on the number of individuals completing registered apprenticeship programs in Canada, and in its provinces and territories.

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources


Overall, Indicator D2 examines trends in postsecondary completions. This sub-indicator provides information on the number of college graduates, by gender, program type and field of study.

It should be noted that sex was replaced by gender in the 2017/2018 Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) release therefore, the sub-indicators included under this section have been updated accordingly.

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources


Overall, Indicator D2 examines trends in postsecondary completions. This sub-indicator provides information on the number of university graduates, by gender and Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP PG).

It should be noted that sex was replaced by gender in the 2017/2018 Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) release therefore, the sub-indicators included under this section have been updated accordingly.

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources

Postsecondary completions and graduation rates
Overall, Indicator D2 examines trends in postsecondary completions. This sub-indicator presents information on the graduation and persistence of individuals completing career, technical or professional training certificate programs in Canada, and in its provinces and territories.

For concepts, definitions, methodology, limitations and sources, please see the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform reference guide.

D3 University educators

Indicator D3 presents information on university educators in Canada and the provinces. It outlines the number of full-time university educators, providing breakdowns by academic rank and by sex. The male–female distribution of educators, by age, is also examined, as well as the age distribution of educators compared with that of the overall labour force. Average salaries, by academic rank and by sex, are also presented.

Concepts and definitions

In Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff, by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, the definition of full-time university staff  is similar to that used in other D3 Tables, but excludes staff who are on unpaid leave, all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to regular/lay staff, and staff having a salary of zero or unreported.



Data Sources

D4 Research and development

Indicator D4 presents information on research and development (R&D), focusing on the R&D performed by the higher education sector. The context for R&D activities carried out in the higher education sector is provided by examining total domestic expenditures on R&D as a percentage of GDP (table 27-10-0359-01) from an international and national perspective. Expenditures on R&D by performing sector (tables 27-10-0360-01 and 27-10-0273-02) are outlined, as are sources of funding for R&D expenditures in the higher education sector (table 27-10-0363-01).

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources

D6 Educational attainment

Indicator D6 examines educational attainment among the Canadian population aged 25 to 64Note 8. his indicator uses data from the Census of Population and the National Household Survey (NHS) to portray the distribution of the Canadian population aged 15 and over by level of education, and to present this information by age group, gender, and Indigenous identity, for Canada and its jurisdictions (table 98-10-0413-01). Furthermore, data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) are used to present data for the off-reserve Indigenous population, the non-Indigenous population and the total population for Canada, the provinces and the territories (table 37-10-0117-01). Educational attainment of the population by age group and sex for Canada, its jurisdictions and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are also presented (table 37-10-0130-01). 

Census of Population and National Household Survey (NHS) Tables

Concepts and definitions



Labour Force Survey Table

Concepts and definitions



Data Sources

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