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The following are some examples of publications using SLID data.
Bohnert, Nora. 2011. Examining the determinants of union dissolution among married and common law unions in Canada. Canadian Studies in Population, 38(3), 75-92.
Chen, Wen-Hao and Jean-Yves Duclos. 2011. Testing for poverty dominance: An application to Canada. Canadian Journal of Economics, 44(3), 781-803.
Chung, Jackson. 2011. "Measuring voluntary interhousehold transfers in Canada". Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 23, no. 2. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-X.
Fuller, Sylvia. 2011. Up and on or down and out? Gender, immigration and the consequences of temporary employment in Canada. Research in Social Stratification & Mobility, 29(2), 155-180.
Income Statistics Division.2011. "Low Income Lines, 2009-2010". Income Series Research Papers. no. 2. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75F0002MWE.
King, Karen M. and K. Bruce Newbold. 2011. Internal migration of Canadian immigrants, 1993-2004: Evidence from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics. Canadian Studies in Population, 38(1), 1-18.
LaRochelle-Côté, Sébastien and Sharanjit Uppal. 2011. "The financial well-being of the self-employed". Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 23, no. 3. Sept. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-X.
Makdissi, Paul and Myra Yazbeck. 2011. Assessing the redistributive impact of higher education tuition fees reforms: The case of Quebec. Applied Economics Letters, 18(2), 143-147.
Murphy, Brian, Xuelin Zhang and Claude Dionne. 2011. "Low Income in Canada: a Multi-line and Multi-index Perspective". Income series Research Papers. no. 1. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75F0002MWE.
Ren, Zhe (Jerry) and Kuan Xu. 2011. "Low-income Dynamics and Determinants under Different Thresholds: New Findings for Canada in 2000 and Beyond". Income Series Research Papers. no. 3. Feb. Statistics Canada Catalogue no.75F0002MWE.
Scott-Marshall, H. and E. Tompa. 2011. The health consequences of precarious employment experiences. Work, 38(4), 369-382.
Van Rhijn, Tricia, Trudy Smit Quosai and Donna S. Lero. 2011. A profile of undergraduate student parents in Canada. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 41(3), 59-80.
Wong, I. S., C. B. McLeod and P. A. Demers. 2011. Shift work trends and risk of work injury among Canadian workers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 37(1), 54-61.
Bernard, André and Diane Galarneau. 2010. "Layoffs in Canada."Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 11, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Crespo, Stéphane. 2010. "Entrer et sortir d'un épisode de faible revenu." Portrait social du Québec. Institut de la statistique du Québec. Pages 191-212.
Drolet, Marie. 2010. "Why has the gender wage gap narrowed?" Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 11, no. 12. December. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
LaRochelle-Côté, Sébastien. 2010. "Self-employment in the downturn." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 11, no. 3. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Luong, May. 2010. "The financial impact of student loans." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 11, no. 1. January. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Murphy, Brian, Xuelin Zhang and Claude Dionne. 2010. "Revising Statistics Canada's LIMs". Income series Research Papers. no.4. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75F0002MWE.
Scott-Marshall, Heather. 2010. "The Social Patterning of Work-Related Insecurity and its Health Consequences." Social Indicators Research, Vol. 96, no. 2.
Yuen, Jennifer. 2010. "Job–education match and mismatch: Wage differentials."Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 11, no. 4. April. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Zhang, Xuelin. 2010, "Low Income Measurement in Canada: What do different Lines and Indexes tell us?" Income research paper series. No. 3. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75F0002MWE.
Ahmad Nisar and Rayhaneh. 2009. "Immigrant-Native Difference in Earnings Mobility Processes: Evidence from Canadian and Danish Data." Economics Working Papers, 13. University of Aarhus.
Audet, Mathieu and Paul Makdissi. 2009. "Assessing the impact of historical changes in social protection on poverty in Canada." Applied Economic Letters. Vol. 16, no. 5. Pages 523-526.
Banerjee, Rupa. 2009. "Income Growth of New Immigrants in Canada: Evidence from the Survey of Income and Dynamics." Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations. Vol. 64, no. 3. Pages 466-488.
Fang, Tony and Morley Gunderson. 2009. "Minimum Wage Impacts on Older Workers: Longitudinal Estimates from Canada." British Journal of Industrial Relations. Vol. 47, no. 2. Pages 371-387.
Gadalla, Tahany. 2009. "Impact of Marital Dissolution on Men's and Women's Incomes: A Longitudinal Study." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. Vol.50, no. 1. Pages 55-65.
Galarneau, Diane and Marian Radulescu. 2009. "Employment among the disabled." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 10, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Hansen, Jorgen and Magnus Lofstrum. 2009. "The dynamics of immigrant welfare and labor market behavior." Journal of Population Economics. Vol. 22, no.4. Pages 941-970.
LaRochelle-Côté, Sébastien and Claude Dionne. 2009. "Family work patterns." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 10, no. 8. August. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
LaRochelle-Côté, Sébastien and Claude Dionne. 2009. "International differences in low-paid work." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 10, no. 6. June. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Luong, May. 2009. "GIS update." Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 10, no. 7. July. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Luong, May and Benoît-Paul Hébert. 2009. "Age and earnings." Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 10, no. 1. January. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Zhang, Xuelin. 2009. "Earnings of women with and without children". Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 10, no. 3. March. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Doyen, Michael and Mario Fortin. 2008. "Modèle dynamique en présence de biais de sélection et d'hétérogénéité inobservée : application à la participation des femmes sur le marché du travail au Canada". GREDI Working Paper 08-23.
Fang, Tony and Fional MacPhail. 2008. "Transitions from Temporary to Permanent Work in Canada: Who Makes the Transition and Why?" Social Indicators Research. Vol. 88, no. 1. Pages 51-74.
Ferrer, Ana and Stépanie Lluis. 2008. "Should Workers Care about Firm Size?" Industrial and Labour Relations Review. Vol. 62, no. 1. Pages 104-125.
Fleury, Dominique. 2008. "Low-income children." Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 9, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Gadalla, Tahany. 2008. "Gender Differences in Poverty Rates After Marital Dissolution: A Longitudinal Study." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. Vol. 49, no. 3. Pages 225-238.
Hébert, Benoît-Paul and May Luong. 2008. "Bridge employment." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 9, no. 11. November. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Luong, May. 2008. "Life after teenage motherhood."Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 9, no. 5. May. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Marier, Patrik et Suzanne Skinner. 2008. "The Impact of Gender and Immigration on Pension Outcomes in Canada." Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques. Vol. 34, no. 4. Pages 59-78.
Rea, Willa, Jennifer Yuen, John Engeland and Roberto Figueroa. 2008. "The dynamics of housing affordability." Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 9, no. 1. January. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Rivest, François. 2008. "Les ménages à taux d'effort élevé : analyse de données provenant de l'Enquête sur la dynamique du travail et du revenu (2002-2004) ", Société d'habitation du Québec : Québec.
Crespo, Stéphane. 2007. "Diversité des formes de transition travail-retraite dans une cohorte de Canadiens âgés de 50 à 64 ans." Cahiers québécois de démographie. Vol. 36, no. 1. Pages 49-83.
Heisz, A. and S. LaRochelle-Côté. 2007. "Understanding Regional Differences in Work Hours." Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, 11F0019 No. 293. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Hum, Derek and Wayne Simpson. 2007. "The legacy of immigration: labour market performance and education in the second generation." Applied Economics. Vol. 39, no. 15. Pages 1985-2009.
Morissette, René and Yuri Ostrovsky. 2007. "Pensions and retirement savings of families.", Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 8, no. 11. November. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Morissette, René, Zhang, Xuelin and Marc Frenette (2007) "Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers: Canadian Evidence from a Large Administrative Database on Firm Closures and Mass Layoffs." Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, 11F0019 No. 291. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Palameta, Boris. 2007. "Economic integration of immigrants' children." Perspectives on Labour and Income.Vol. 8, no. 10. October. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.
Ravanera, Zenaida R. and Fernando Rajulton. 2007. "Changes in Economic Status and Timing of Marriage of Young Canadians" Canadian Studies in Population. Vol. 34, no. 1. Pages 49-67.
Buckley, N.J., F.T. Denton, A.L. Robb and B.G. Spencer. (2006). "Socio-economic influences on the health of older people: Estimates based on two longitudinal surveys." Canadian Public Policy XXXII(1): 59-83.
Canadian Council on Social Development. (2006). "The Progress of Canada's Children and Youth, 2006." Ottawa, ON: Canadian Council on Social Development. Available at:
Ceppi, Ugo. (2006). "Estimation d'un coût de stigmate relatif à l'assistance emploi au Québec" MSc thesis. Montréal: Department of Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Income Statistics Division (2006). "Low Wage and Low Income" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Income Statistics Division (2006). "Low income cut-offs for 2005 and low income measures for 2004" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Roy, B. (2006). "L'intégration des immigrants dans le marché du travail canadien. " MA Thesis. Montréal, QC: Department of Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Tompa, E., H. Scott, S. Trevithick and S. Bhattacharyya. (2006). "Precarious employment and people with disabilities." In Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Edited by L.F. Vosko. Montréal, QC: McGill-Queen's University Press. 90-114
Blouin, O. (2005). "L'impact de la politique familiale de 1997 sur la dépendance à l'aide sociale des familles monoparentales." MA thesis. Québec, QC: Department of Economics, Laval University.
Clouston, S. (2005). "Income, health and insurance: Longitudinal health selection by health coverage in Canada." MA thesis. Montréal, QC: Department of Sociology, McGill University.
DeRiviere, L. (2005). "The private costs for youth engagement in the sex trade: An empirical examination of the lifelong employment earnings and health effects." Canadian Public Policy XXXI(2): 181-206. Available at:
Deschênes, N. (2005). "La transition vers la retraite: une analyse longitudinale des variations entre hommes et femmes." MSc thesis. Montréal, QC: Demography, University of Montréal.
Fortin, M. and D. Fleury. (2005). "The other face of working poverty." Policy Research Initiative Working paper series, Ottawa, ON: Policy Research Initiative. Available at:
Geoffrion, G. (2005). "L'impôt à taux unique: Les effets sur l'offre de travail des ménages Canadiens et Américans." MSc thesis. Montréal, QC: Département de sciences économiques, University of Montréal.
Grenier, M. (2005). "Un enjeu oublié de la politique des services de garde à 5$: Les effets distributifs des subventions en nature" MSc thesis. Montréal: Department of Economics, Université du Québec.
Hui, S. (2005). "On the training and education of Canadians." Ph.D. dissertation. London, ON: Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario.
Income Statistics Division (2005). "Low Income Cut-offs for 2004 and Low Income Measures for 2002" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Lanctôt, P. and G. Fréchet. (2005). "Les cheminements aide-hors aide sociale au Quebec, 1996-2001." Direction générale adjointe de la recherche, de l'évaluation et de la statistique (DGARES), Montréal, QC: Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.
Lefebvre, P. and P. Merrigan. (2005). "Low-fee ($5/day/child) regulated childcare policy and the labor supply of mothers with young children: A natural Experiment from Canada." Working Paper, 05-08. Montréal, QC: Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques économiques et l'emploi (CIRPEE). Available at:
Martel, E., B. Laplante and P. Bernard. (2005). "Unemployment and family strategies" Recherches Sociographiques XLVI(2): 245-280.
Murray, J. (2005). "Wage differentials in the Canadian labour market: How are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada Affected?" MA thesis. Halifax, NS: Department of Economics, Dalhousie University.
Poletaev, M. and C. Robinson. (2005). "Human capital specificity in Canada: Evidence and implications to policy. Working paper series, 2005 C-03." Ottawa, ON: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada -- Industry Canada -- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Skills Research Initiative (HISSRI). Available at:
Rybczynski, K. (2005). "Gender differences in self-employment: The contribution of credit constraints and risk aversion to self-employment entry, duration, and earnings in Canada." Ph.D. dissertation. Kingston, ON: Department of Economics, Queen's University.
Smith, M.R., M. Hsieh and Y. Yoshida. (2005). "Wage inequality, Quebec-Ontario" Recherches Sociographiques XLVI(2): 301-326.
Valletta, Rob (2005). "The Ins and Outs of Poverty in Advanced Economies: Poverty Dynamics in Canada, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Audas, R. and J. T. McDonald (2004). "Rural-urban migration in the 1990s" Canadian Social Trends. Catalogue No. 11-008-XIE. Summer, 2004 (73): 17-24.
Audas, Rick and Ted McDonald (2004). "Employment insurance and family response to unemployment: Canadian evidence from the SLID" Social Research Development Corporation Working Paper Series, 04-04, Ottawa: Social Research Development Corporation. Available at:
Bryar, Marc (2004). "Comparison of Income Estimates Across Household Survey Programs" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Buckley, N. J., F. T. Denton, A. L. Robb and B. G. Spencer (2004). "Healthy aging at older ages: Are income and education important?" Canadian Journal on Aging 23 (Supplement): S155-S169.
Buckley, N.J., F.T. Denton, A.L. Robb and B.G. Spencer (2004). "The transition from good to poor health: An econometric study of the older population" Journal of Health Economics 23(5): 1013-1034.
Ferrer, A. and S. Lluis. (2004). "Should workers care about firm size?" Carlson School of Management - Industrial Relations Center Working Paper series, 0204. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities Campus). Available at:
Giles, Phlip (2004). "Low income measurement in Canada" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Gonthier, D. (2004). "Constructing survival analysis models with independent variables that change over time: Application using data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics." The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin. Catalogue No. 12-002-XIE. 1(1): 6-12.
Hansen, J. and M. Kucera. (2004). "The educational attainment of second generation immigrants in Canada: Evidence from SLID." IZA Summer School Working Paper, Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA). Available at:
Hum, D. and W. Simpson (2004). "Reinterpreting the performance of immigrant wages from panel data" Empirical Economics 29 (1): 129-147.
Income Statistics Division (2004). "Low income cut offs from 1994 - 2003 and low income measures 1992 – 2001" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Janz, Teresa (2004). "Low-paid employment and moving up: a closer look at full-time, full-year workers" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Kapsalis, C. and P. Tourigny (2004). "Duration of non-standard employment" Perspectives on Labour and Income. Catalogue No. 75-001-XIE. 5(12): 5-13.
Magee, W.J. (2004). "Effects of illness and disability on job separation." Social Science and Medicine 58(6): 1121-1135.
Marchand, Alain (2004). "Travail et santé mentale: une perspective multiniveaux des determinants de la détress psychologique" Ph.D. dissertation. Montréal: Department of Sociology, Université de Montréal.
Martiniello, T. (2004). "Welfare participation and marital decisions of single, never-married and single having-been married females" MA thesis. Montréal: Department of Economics, Concordia University.
McDonald, L. and A.L. Robb (2004). "The economic legacy of divorced and separated women in old age" Canadian Journal on Aging 23 (Supplement): S83-S97.
Michaud, Sylvie, Cotton, Cathy, and Kevin Bishop (2004). "Exploration of Methodological Issues in the Development of the Market Basket Measure of Low Income for Human Resources Development Canada" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Ostrovsky, Yuri (2004). "Lifecycle theory and residential mobility of older Canadians" Canadian Journal on Aging 23 (Supplement): S23-S37.
Poletaev, M. and C. Robinson (2004). "Human capital specificity: Direct and indirect evidence from Canadian and US panels and displaced worker surveys" CIBC Working Paper Series #2004-02 (December 2004). London, ON: Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario. Available at:
Skuterud, Mikal (FLS), Frenette, Marc (BLMA), and Preston Poon (2004). "Describing the Distribution of Income: Guidelines for Effective Analysis" Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Audas, R. and J.T. McDonald. (2003). "Employment insurance and geographic mobility: Evidence from the SLID." Social Research Development Corporation Working Paper Series, 03-03, Ottawa, ON: Social Research Development Corporation. Available at:
Bowlus, Audra and Jean-Marc Robin (2003). " Arising lifetime inequality in France, Canada and the United States," Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University (work in progress).
Chen, Wen-Hao (2003). "Income mobility in Canada and the United States," Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University.
De Raaf, Shaw, Anne Motte and Carole Vincent (2003). "The dynamics of reliance on EI benefits: evidence from the SLID," Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation.
De Raaf, Shaw, Costa Kapsalis and Carole Vincent (2003). "Seasonal employment & reliance on employment insurance: evidence from the SLID," Ottawa: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation.
Frenette, Marc (2003). "Access to college and university: does distance matter?", Analytical Studies Branch research paper seriesNo. 201, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Frenette, Marc and Garnett Picot (2003). "Life after welfare: the economic well-being of welfare leavers in Canada during the 1990s," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 192, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Hansen, Jorgen and Miroslav Kucera (2003). "The educational attainment of second-generation immigrants," Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University (work in progress).
Heisz, Andrew and Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté (2003). "Working hours in Canada and the United States," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 209, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Hum, D. and W. Simpson. (2003). "Job-related training activity by immigrants to Canada." Canadian Public Policy XXIX(4): 469-490. Available at:
Janz, Teresa (2003). "Movin' on up: Canadians exiting low-paid employment," Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University.
Jeon, S-H. (2003). "A longitudinal perspective on women's labour force transitions: Trigger events." Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 2003-01. Hamilton, ON: Department of Economics, McMaster University. Available at:
La Novara, Pina et al (2003). "2000 income: an overview," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 4(1), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Lapointe, J. (2003). "Impact des prestations d'aide sociale sur offre de travail" MA thesis. Québec: Department of Economics, Universite de Laval.
Lefebvre, P. and P. Merrigan. (2003). "Recherche sur l'actualisation du panier d'emplois utilisé pour establir la base de rémunération de l'exploitant agricole dans le cadre de l'application du programme d'assurance stablisation des revenues agricoles (ASRA). " Lévis, QC: Centre d'études sur les coûts de production en agriculture (CECPA). Available at:
Marshall, Katherine (2003). "Benefits of the job," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 4(5), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Martel, E. (2003). "Les strategies des individus et des familles qui font face au chômage: de l'assurance-chômage à l'assurance-emploi" MSc thesis. Montréal: Department of Sociology, Université de Montréal.
Mustard, C., D. Cole, H. Shannon, J. Pole, T. Sullivan and R. Allingham (2003). "Declining trends in work-related morbidity and disability 1993-1998: A comparison of survey estimates and compensation insurance claims" American Journal of Public Health 93 (8): 1283-1286.
Picot, Garnett and Feng Hou (2003). "The rise in low income rates among immigrants in Canada," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 198, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Picot, G., R. Morissette and J. Myles (2003). "Low-income intensity during the 1990s: the role of economic growth, employment earnings and social transfers," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series No. 172, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Poletaev, Maxim and Chris Robinson (2003). "Industry versus firm specific human capital," Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University.
Robb, A.L., L. Magee and J.B. Burbidge (2003). "Wages in Canada: SCF, SLID, LFS and the skill premium" Hamilton, ON: McMaster University RDC Working Paper Series. Available at:
Shen, Kailing (2003). "Did 1996 employment insurance reform lead to less stable employment?" Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University.
Spyridoula Tsoukalas and Andrew MacKenzie (2003). "The personal security index 2003," Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.
Suave, Roger (2003). "The current state of Canadian family finances - 2002 report," Ottawa: Vanier Institute of the Family
Yang, Jie and Rose Anne Devlin (2003). "An empirical investigation of household dynamics using the Survey of Labour Income Dynamics," Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Conference 2003, Hamilton: McMaster University.
Akyeampong, Ernest B. (2002). "Unionization and fringe benefits," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 3(8), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Cahill, Ian and Edward Chen (2002). "Benchmarking parameter estimates in logic models of binary choice and semiparametric survival models," Survey methodology 28(01), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Carson, Jamie (2002). "Family spending power," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 3(10). Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Drolet, Marie (2002). "Wives, mothers and wages: does timing matter?" Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 186, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Fleury, Dominique (2002). "Economic performance of off-reserve aboriginal Canadians: a study of groups at risk of social exclusion", Hull: Human Resources Development Canada.
Frenette, Marc (2002). "Too far to go on? Distance to school and university participation," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 191, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Giles, Phil and Wendy Pyper (2002). "Approaching retirement," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 3(9), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Goshev, S. (2002). "A quantitative evaluation of the relationship between income and self-reported health in Canada, 1996-1999" MSc thesis. Hamilton, ON: Department of Economics, McMaster University.
Heisz, Andrew, A. Jackson and G. Picot (2002). "Winners and losers in the labour market of the 1990s," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 184, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Hum, D. and W. Simpson. (2002). "Disability onset among aging Canadians: Evidence from panel data." Canadian Journal on Aging 21 (1): 117-136.
Hum, D. and W. Simpson. (2002). "Selectivity and immigration in Canada." Journal of International Migration and Integration 3(1): 107-127.
Jackson, Andrew et al (2002). "The personal security index 2002: After September 11," Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development
Kapsalis, Costa and Pierre Tourigny (2002). "Profiles and transitions of groups at risk of social exclusion: lone parents," Hull: Human Resources Development Canada.
Magee, William (2002). " Effects of self-rated disability and subjective health on job separation," Income research paper series, No. 1, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Marshall, Katherine (2002). "Duration of multiple job holding," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 3(4), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Morissette, René (2002). "Cumulative earnings among young workers," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 3(11), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Morissette, René (2002). "Pensions: immigrants and visible minorities", Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 3(5), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Smith, Ekuwa and Andrew Jackson (2002). "Does a rising tide lift all boats? Labour market experiences and incomes of recent immigrants," mimeo, Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.
Zhang, Xuelin (2002). "Wage progression of less skilled workers in Canada: evidence from the SLID (1993-1998)," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 194. Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Canadian Centre on Social Development (2001/02). Disability information sheets No. 1-5.
Compton, Janice (2001). "Determinants of retirement: does money really matter?" Ottawa: Department of Finance Canada.
Cotton, Cathy, Philip Giles and Heather Lathe (2001). "1999 income: an overview," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 2(11), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Drolet, Marie (2001). "The male-female wage gap," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 2(12), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Drolet, Marie (2001). "The persistent gap: new evidence on the Canadian gender wage gap," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 157, Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Galarneau, Diane and Lori M. Stratychuk (2001). "After the layoff," Canadian Economic Observer, Vol 15(1), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Gilbert, Lucie (2001). "Human capital and labour market transitions of older workers," Hull: Human Resources Development Canada.
Giles, Philip and Torben Drewes (2001). "Liberal arts degrees and the labour market," Education quarterly review, Vol 8(2), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Gunderson, Morely and Doug Hyatt (2001). "Income security programs: evaluation of public and private financial incentives for retirement," mimeo, Toronto: Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto.
Jackson, Andrew (2001). "Low income trends in the 1990s," Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.
Kapsalis, Constantine (2001). "An assessment of EI and SA reporting in SLID," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 166, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Knighton, Tamara and Sheba Mirza (2001). "Postsecondary participation: the effects of parents' education and household income," Education quarterly review, Vol 8(3), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Morissette, René and Xuelin Zhang (2001). "Experiencing low income for several years," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 2(3), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Phimister, Euan, and Alfons Weersink (2001). "The dynamics of income and employment in rural Canada," Agriculture and rural working paper series, No 43, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Phimister, Euan, Esperanza Vera-Toscano and Alfons Weersink (2001). "Female employment rates and labour market attachment in rural Canada," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 153. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Picot, G., A, Heisz and A. Nakamura (2001). "Job tenure, worker mobility and the youth labour market during the 1990s," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 155. Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Schetagne, Sylvain, Andrew Jackson and Shelley Harman (2001). "Gaining ground: the personal security index 2001," Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development
Sunter, Deborah (2001). "Demography and the labour market," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 2(2), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Zakhilwal, Omar (2001). "The impact of international trade on the wages of Canadians," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No.156. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Beiser, Morton, Feng Hou, Violet Kaspar and Samuel Noh (2000). "Changes in poverty status and developmental behaviours: a comparison of immigrant and non-immigrant children in Canada," Hull: Human Resources Development Canada.
Bowlby, Geoff (2000). "The school-to-work transition: what motivates graduates to change jobs?" Education quarterly review, Vol 7(4), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Dupuy, Richard, Francine Mayer and René Morissette (2000). "Rural roots," Perspectives on labour and income, Vol 12(3), Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Dupuy, Richard, Francine Mayer and René Morissette (2000). "Rural youth: stayers, leavers, and return migrants," Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 152. Ottawa: Statistics Canada
Fawcett, Gail (2000). "Bringing down the barriers: the labour market and women with disabilities in Ontario," mimeo, Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.
Finnie, Ross (2000). "Low income (poverty) dynamics in Canada: entry, exit, spell durations and total time," Ottawa: Human Resources Development Canada.
Jackson, Andrew et al. (2000). "Social Cohesion in Canada - possible indicators", CCSD Discussion paper, Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.
Lévesque, Isabelle and Sarah Franklin (2000). "Longitudinal and cross-sectional weighting of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics," Income research paper series, No. 4, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Morissette, René and Marie Drolet (2000). "To what extent are Canadians exposed to low income?" Analytical Studies Branch research paper series, No. 146, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Morissette, René and Marie Drolet (2000). "Pension coverage and retirement savings of young and prime-aged workers in Canada: 1986-1997," Income research paper series, No.9, Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
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