Table 2
Low income cut-offs (1992 base) before tax

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Table 2
Low income cut-offs (1992 base) before tax
Table summary
This table displays the results of low income cut-offs (1992 base) before tax. This information is grouped by size of family unit (appearing as row headers), and community size, rural areas outside CMA or CA, census agglomeration (CA), Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), less than 30,000 inhabitants, between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants, between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants, 500,000 inhabitants or more (appearing as column headers), calculated using current dollars as a unit of measure.
Size of family unit Community size
Rural areas outside CMA or CANote 1 Census Agglomeration (CA) Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
Less than 30,000 inhabitantsNote 2 Between 30,000 and 99,999 inhabitants Between 100,000 and 499,999 inhabitants 500,000 inhabitants or more
Current dollars
1 person 11,236 12,783 13,970 14,057 16,322
2 persons 13,988 15,913 17,391 17,499 20,320
3 persons 17,196 19,563 21,380 21,513 24,981
4 persons 20,879 23,753 25,959 26,120 30,330
5 persons 23,680 26,940 29,442 29,624 34,400
6 persons 26,708 30,384 33,206 33,412 38,797
7 or more persons 29,735 33,828 36,970 37,199 43,195
1 person 11,450 13,026 14,236 14,325 16,633
2 persons 14,254 16,216 17,722 17,832 20,707
3 persons 17,524 19,936 21,787 21,923 25,457
4 persons 21,277 24,205 26,453 26,618 30,908
5 persons 24,131 27,453 30,003 30,188 35,055
6 persons 27,217 30,963 33,838 34,048 39,536
7 or more persons 30,301 34,472 37,674 37,908 44,018
1 person 11,463 13,042 14,253 14,341 16,652
2 persons 14,271 16,235 17,743 17,853 20,731
3 persons 17,544 19,959 21,813 21,948 25,487
4 persons 21,302 24,234 26,484 26,649 30,944
5 persons 24,159 27,485 30,038 30,224 35,096
6 persons 27,249 30,999 33,878 34,088 39,582
7 or more persons 30,337 34,513 37,718 37,952 44,069
1 person 11,718 13,331 14,569 14,659 17,022
2 persons 14,587 16,595 18,136 18,249 21,191
3 persons 17,933 20,401 22,296 22,435 26,052
4 persons 21,774 24,771 27,072 27,239 31,630
5 persons 24,695 28,095 30,704 30,894 35,874
6 persons 27,853 31,686 34,629 34,844 40,460
7 or more persons 31,009 35,278 38,554 38,793 45,046
1 person 11,891 13,529 14,785 14,877 17,274
2 persons 14,804 16,841 18,405 18,520 21,505
3 persons 18,199 20,704 22,627 22,768 26,438
4 persons 22,097 25,139 27,473 27,644 32,099
5 persons 25,061 28,512 31,159 31,352 36,407
6 persons 28,266 32,156 35,143 35,361 41,060
7 or more persons 31,470 35,801 39,127 39,369 45,715
1 person 12,092 13,757 15,034 15,128 17,566
2 persons 15,054 17,125 18,716 18,832 21,868
3 persons 18,506 21,054 23,009 23,152 26,884
4 persons 22,470 25,563 27,937 28,110 32,641
5 persons 25,484 28,993 31,685 31,881 37,021
6 persons 28,743 32,699 35,736 35,958 41,753
7 or more persons 32,001 36,405 39,787 40,033 46,486
1 person 12,212 13,894 15,184 15,279 17,740
2 persons 15,204 17,296 18,902 19,020 22,086
3 persons 18,690 21,263 23,238 23,383 27,152
4 persons 22,693 25,817 28,215 28,390 32,966
5 persons 25,738 29,281 32,001 32,198 37,390
6 persons 29,029 33,025 36,092 36,316 42,169
7 or more persons 32,319 36,768 40,183 40,432 46,949
1 person 12,426 14,137 15,450 15,546 18,051
2 persons 15,470 17,599 19,234 19,353 22,473
3 persons 19,018 21,636 23,645 23,792 27,628
4 persons 23,091 26,270 28,709 28,887 33,544
5 persons 26,189 29,794 32,561 32,763 38,045
6 persons 29,538 33,603 36,724 36,952 42,908
7 or more persons 32,885 37,412 40,887 41,140 47,772
1 person 12,761 14,518 15,866 15,965 18,537
2 persons 15,886 18,073 19,751 19,874 23,078
3 persons 19,530 22,218 24,282 24,433 28,371
4 persons 23,713 26,977 29,482 29,665 34,446
5 persons 26,894 30,596 33,438 33,644 39,069
6 persons 30,333 34,508 37,713 37,946 44,062
7 or more persons 33,770 38,419 41,987 42,247 49,057
1 person 13,082 14,883 16,265 16,366 19,003
2 persons 16,286 18,527 20,248 20,374 23,658
3 persons 20,021 22,777 24,892 25,047 29,085
4 persons 24,309 27,655 30,224 30,411 35,313
5 persons 27,570 31,366 34,279 34,491 40,051
6 persons 31,096 35,376 38,661 38,901 45,171
7 or more persons 34,620 39,385 43,044 43,310 50,291
1 person 13,376 15,218 16,631 16,735 19,431
2 persons 16,652 18,944 20,704 20,832 24,190
3 persons 20,471 23,289 25,452 25,611 29,739
4 persons 24,856 28,277 30,904 31,095 36,107
5 persons 28,190 32,071 35,050 35,267 40,952
6 persons 31,795 36,171 39,531 39,776 46,187
7 or more persons 35,399 40,271 44,012 44,285 51,423
1 person 13,751 15,644 17,097 17,203 19,975
2 persons 17,119 19,474 21,283 21,415 24,868
3 persons 21,045 23,941 26,165 26,328 30,572
4 persons 25,552 29,069 31,769 31,966 37,118
5 persons 28,980 32,969 36,031 36,254 42,099
6 persons 32,686 37,184 40,638 40,890 47,480
7 or more persons 36,390 41,399 45,244 45,524 52,862
1 person 14,005 15,933 17,413 17,521 20,344
2 persons 17,435 19,834 21,677 21,811 25,327
3 persons 21,434 24,384 26,649 26,814 31,137
4 persons 26,024 29,606 32,356 32,557 37,804
5 persons 29,515 33,579 36,697 36,924 42,877
6 persons 33,290 37,871 41,389 41,646 48,358
7 or more persons 37,063 42,164 46,080 46,366 53,839
1 person 14,313 16,283 17,795 17,906 20,791
2 persons 17,818 20,270 22,153 22,290 25,884
3 persons 21,904 24,920 27,234 27,403 31,821
4 persons 26,596 30,257 33,067 33,272 38,635
5 persons 30,164 34,316 37,504 37,735 43,819
6 persons 34,021 38,703 42,298 42,561 49,420
7 or more persons 37,877 43,090 47,093 47,384 55,022
1 person 14,593 16,603 18,144 18,257 21,199
2 persons 18,168 20,668 22,588 22,728 26,392
3 persons 22,334 25,409 27,769 27,941 32,446
4 persons 27,118 30,851 33,716 33,925 39,393
5 persons 30,756 34,990 38,240 38,476 44,679
6 persons 34,689 39,463 43,128 43,396 50,390
7 or more persons 38,620 43,936 48,017 48,314 56,102
1 person 14,914 16,968 18,544 18,659 21,666
2 persons 18,567 21,123 23,084 23,228 26,972
3 persons 22,826 25,968 28,379 28,556 33,159
4 persons 27,714 31,529 34,457 34,671 40,259
5 persons 31,432 35,760 39,081 39,322 45,662
6 persons 35,452 40,331 44,077 44,350 51,498
7 or more persons 39,470 44,903 49,073 49,377 57,336
1 person 15,262 17,364 18,976 19,094 22,171
2 persons 19,000 21,615 23,623 23,769 27,601
3 persons 23,358 26,573 29,041 29,222 33,933
4 persons 28,361 32,264 35,261 35,480 41,198
5 persons 32,165 36,594 39,992 40,239 46,727
6 persons 36,278 41,272 45,105 45,385 52,699
7 or more persons 40,390 45,950 50,218 50,529 58,673
1 person 15,302 17,409 19,026 19,144 22,229
2 persons 19,050 21,672 23,685 23,832 27,674
3 persons 23,419 26,643 29,118 29,299 34,022
4 persons 28,435 32,349 35,354 35,573 41,307
5 persons 32,250 36,690 40,097 40,345 46,850
6 persons 36,374 41,380 45,223 45,504 52,838
7 or more persons 40,496 46,071 50,350 50,661 58,827
1 person 15,583 17,729 19,375 19,496 22,637
2 persons 19,400 22,070 24,120 24,269 28,182
3 persons 23,849 27,132 29,652 29,836 34,646
4 persons 28,957 32,943 36,003 36,226 42,065
5 persons 32,842 37,363 40,833 41,086 47,710
6 persons 37,041 42,140 46,054 46,339 53,808
7 or more persons 41,240 46,916 51,274 51,591 59,907
1 person 16,038 18,246 19,941 20,065 23,298
2 persons 19,966 22,714 24,824 24,978 29,004
3 persons 24,545 27,924 30,517 30,707 35,657
4 persons 29,802 33,905 37,053 37,283 43,292
5 persons 33,800 38,454 42,025 42,285 49,102
6 persons 38,122 43,370 47,398 47,692 55,378
7 or more persons 42,443 48,285 52,770 53,097 61,656
1. Can include some small population centres.
2. Includes population centres with less than 10,000 inhabitants.
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