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Analysis of income in Canada

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Selected publications from Statistics Canada

  13F0022XCB Income trends in Canada
  13F0022XIE Income trends in Canada
  75F0011XIE Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics - A survey overview
  75F0026XIE Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics electronic data dictionary
  75-202-XIE Income in Canada

Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada

  202-0101 Distribution of earnings, by sex, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0102 Average female and male earnings, and female-to-male earnings ratio, by work activity, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0103 Number of earners, by sex and work activity
  202-0104 Female-to-male earnings ratios, by selected characteristics, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0105 Distribution of total income, by husband-wife families, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0106 Earnings of individuals, by selected characteristics and Standard Occupational Classification, 1991 (SOC), 2002 constant dollars
  202-0107 Earnings of individuals, by selected characteristics and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 2002 constant dollars
  202-0201 Distribution of market income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0202 Average market income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0203 Median market income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0301 Government transfers, by economic family type and after-tax income quintiles, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0401 Distribution of total income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0402 Distribution of total income of individuals, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0403 Average total income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0404 Total income, by economic family type, age group and income source, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0405 Upper income limits and income shares of total income quintiles, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0406 Upper income limits and income shares of total income quintiles, by major income source, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0407 Income of individuals, by sex, age group and income source, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0408 Distribution of total income, by census family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0409 Average total income, by census family type and living arrangement, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0410 Average total income, by census family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0411 Median total income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0501 Income tax, by economic family type and after-tax income quintiles, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0601 Distribution of after-tax income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0602 Distribution of after-tax income of individuals, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0603 Average after-tax income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0604 Upper income limits and income shares of after-tax income quintiles, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0605 Median after-tax income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0701 Market, total and after-tax income, by economic family type and income quintiles, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0702 Market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0703 Market, total and after-tax income, by economic family type and after-tax income quintiles, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0704 Government transfers and income tax, by economic family type and after-tax income quintiles, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0705 Gini coefficients of market, total and after-tax income, by economic family type
  202-0706 Market, total and after-tax economic family income, by adjusted after-tax income quintiles, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0801 Low income cut-offs before and after tax for rural and urban areas, by family size
  202-0802 Persons in low income
  202-0803 Families in low income before and after tax, by age and sex of major income earner
  202-0804 Families in low income, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0805 Low income gap, by economic family type, 2002 constant dollars
  202-0806 Transitions of persons into and out of low income before and after tax, by selected characteristics
  202-0807 Persistence of low income, by selected characteristics

Selected surveys from Statistics Canada

  3889 Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics
  3205 Survey of Consumer Finances

Selected tables of Canadian statistics from Statistics Canada

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