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Archer, Keith and Jared Wesley. 2006. And I Don’t Do Dishes Either! Disengagement from Civic and Personal Duty. Prepared for Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, June 1–3. York University, Toronto.

Bauman, Kurt and Tiffany Julian. 2010. A Summary of Data Collection Procedures and Reports of Voter Turnout from the Current Population Survey. Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Working Paper 2010–11. Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division, United States Census Bureau. Washington.

Blais, André. 2000. To Vote or Not to Vote: The Merits and Limits of Rational Choice Theory. Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh Press. 208 p.

Blais, André and Peter Loewen. 2011. Youth Electoral Engagement in Canada. Working Paper Series. January. Elections Canada.

Claibourn, Michele P. and Paul S. Martin. 2007. “The third face of social capital: How membership in voluntary associations improves policy accountability.” Political Research Quarterly. Vol. 60, no. 2. June.

Clark, Warren. 2007. “Delayed transitions of young adults. ” Canadian Social Trends. Winter. No. 84. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11‑008‑X.

Curtis, James E., Douglas E. Baer and Edward G. Grabb. 2001. “Nations of joiners: Explaining voluntary association membership in democratic societies.” American Sociological Review. Vol. 66, no. 6. December. p. 783–805.

Dalton, Russell J. 2008. “Citizenship norms and the expansion of political participation.” Political Studies. Vol. 56, no. 1. March. p. 76–98.

Elections Canada. 2012. Estimation of Voter Turnout by Age Group and Gender at the 2011 Federal General Election. Working Paper Series. April.

Gidengil, Elizabeth and Heather Bastedo. 2014. Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up: Perceptions and Performance. Vancouver. University of British Columbia Press. 320 p.

MacKinnon, Mary Pat, Sonia Pitre and Judy Watling. 2007. Lost in Translation: (Mis)Understanding Youth Engagement. Charting the Course for Youth Civic and Political Participation. CPRN Research Report. October. Canadian Policy Research Networks.

Milan, Anne. 2005. “Willing to participate: Political engagement of young adults.” Canadian Social Trends. Winter. No. 79. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11‑008‑X.

Nevitte, Neil. 1996. The Decline of Deference: Canadian Value Change in Cross National Perspective. Peterborough. Broadview Press.

Norris, Pippa. 2004. Young People and Political Activism: From the Politics of Loyalties to the Politics of Choice? Report for the Council of Europe Symposium. February. John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.

O’Neill, Brenda. 2007. Indifferent or Just Different? The Political and Civic Engagement of Young People in Canada: Charting the Course for Youth Civic and Political Participation. CPRN Research Report. June. Canadian Policy Research Networks.

Putnam, Robert. 2000. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York. Simon & Schuster. 541 p.

Quintelier, Ellen. 2008. “Who is politically active: The athlete, the scout member or the environmental activist? Young people, voluntary engagement and political participation.” Acta Sociologica. Vol. 51, no. 4. December. p. 355–370.

Raney, Tracey and Loleen Berdhal. 2009. “Birds of a feather? Citizenship norms, group identity, and political participation in Western Canada.” Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol. 42, no. 1. March. p. 187–209.

Sinha, Maire. 2015. Volunteering in Canada, 2004 to 2013. Spotlight on Canadians: Results from the General Social Survey. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 89‑652‑X. Ottawa.

Smets, Kaat. 2015. “Revisiting the political life-cycle model: Later maturation and turnout decline among young adults.” European Political Science Review. January.

Turcotte, Martin. 2015. Civic engagement and political participation in Canada. Spotlight on Canadians: Results from the General Social Survey. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 89‑652‑X. Ottawa.

Uppal, Sharanjit and Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté. 2012. “Factors associated with voting.” Perspectives on Labour and Income. Vol. 24, no. 1. Spring. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-X.

Verba, Sydney, Nancy Burns and Kay L. Schlozman. 2003. “Unequal at the starting line: Creating participatory inequalities across generations and among groups.” The American Sociologist. Vol. 34, no. 1–2. p. 45–69.

Verba, Sidney. 1996. “The citizen as respondent: Sample surveys and American democracy presidential address, American Political Science Association, 1995.” The American Political Science Review. Vol. 90, no. 1. March. p. 1–7.

Young, Lisa and William Cross. 2007. A Group Apart: Young Party Members in Canada. Charting the Course for Youth Civic and Political Participation. CPRN Research Report. June. Canadian Policy Research Networks.

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