Results by location of study and immigration status

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Location of study is related to lower levels of literacy and numeracy scores among immigrants. Among foreign-born university graduates who did not have a degree from a Canadian university, 54% were in the lower range for literacy (level 2 or below), 54% were in the lower range for numeracy, and 44% were in the lower range for both (Chart A.1). This compared with rates of 29% (literacy), 32% (numeracy) and 21% (both) among the foreign-born university graduates whose degree was from a Canadian institution.

Chart A.1 for the Insights on Canadian Society article number 14094

Description for Chart A.1

The group with the lowest proportion of individuals with a level 2 or below were the Canadian-born university graduates whose degrees were obtained in Canada: the results were 16% for literacy, 23% for numeracy and 12% for both. The Canadian-born university graduates with a degree from outside Canada represented a smaller portion of the overall sample, but had comparable results to the Canadian-born who studied in Canada (in terms of numeracy).

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