Postsecondary program enrolments and graduates: Interactive tool

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The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:

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Administrative data on Canadian postsecondary institution enrolments and graduates are collected through the Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS). PSIS collects information from all Canadian universities and colleges that receive funding from the provincial ministries of education. Apprenticeship counts are excluded.

The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011) is the reference classification for organizing education programs and related qualifications by education levels and fields.

This application displays selected ISCED categories excluding “Upper secondary education” (ISCED 03) and “Not applicable, International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)” (ISCED 96).

For enrolments, postsecondary non-tertiary education is generally comprised of technical and CÉGEP programs leading to a certificate or other short–term program credentials. It also includes pre–university diploma programs and university certificates that do not require prior postsecondary qualifications. Short–cycle tertiary education is generally comprised of college and CÉGEP programs leading to a diploma and a certificate requiring previous postsecondary qualifications.

For graduates, postsecondary non-tertiary education is generally comprised of technical and CÉGEP programs leading to a certificate or other short-term program credentials. It also includes pre-university diploma programs. Short-cycle tertiary education is generally comprised of college and CÉGEP programs leading to a diploma and a certificate requiring previous postsecondary qualifications, and university programs below the bachelor level.

The field of study refers to the Variant of CIP Canada 2016 — Cannabis STEM and BHASE groupings. The “Total, instructional program” data in this application are modified to exclude the STEM/BHASE “Unclassified” category. All calculations based on the “Total, instructional program” use the modified STEM/BHASE field of study total.

The “Gender unknown” category has been excluded from the percentage calculations in the pie chart for enrolments and graduates by gender.

All calculations within this dashboard use “Total, age group” category.

All counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Totals may not add up to the sum of all categories due to rounding. Percentages are calculated using rounded counts.

The levels of enrolment are based on students enrolled in postsecondary institutions at the time of the fall snapshot date, that is, a single date chosen by the institution that falls between September 30 and December 1.

Enrolments are based on program counts and not on student counts. If a student is enrolled in more than one program as of the snapshot date, then all of their programs are included in the count.

Graduate data are published based on the calendar year.


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