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Statistical tables
Table 1 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Canada
Table 2 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by sex and period of landing, Canada
Table 3 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Atlantic provinces
Table 4 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Quebec
Table 5 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Ontario
Table 6 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Manitoba
Table 7 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Saskatchewan
Table 8 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, Alberta
Table 9 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by period of landing, British Columbia
Table 10 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, by highest educational attainment and period of landing
Table 11 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, born in Asia (including Middle East), by period of landing
Table 12 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, born in the Philippines, by period of landing
Table 13 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, born in Europe, by period of landing
Table 14 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, born in Africa, by period of landing
Table 15 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 25 to 54, born in Latin America, by period of landing
Table 16 Labour market outcomes of immigrants aged 15 to 24, by period of landing, Canada
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