Canada's Balance of International Payments System of National Accounts
First quarter 2006
Related products
Selected publications from Statistics Canada
11-010-X |
Canadian economic observer |
13-010-X |
Canadian economic accounts
quarterly review |
13-214-X |
National balance sheet
accounts, quarterly estimates |
13-605-X |
Latest developments
in the Canadian economic accounts |
67-002-X |
Canada's international
transactions in securities |
67-202-X |
Canada's international
investment position |
67-203-X |
Canada's international
trade in services |
67-506-X |
Canada's balance of
international payments and international investment position, concepts, sources,
methods and products |
67F0001M |
Balance of Payments
Division - Research papers |
Selected technical and analytical products from Statistics Canada
11-621-M2004013 |
acquisitions: a Canadian perspective |
67F0001M1997001 |
foreign investment in Canadian real estate |
67F0001M1997002 |
Foreign investment
in the Canadian bond market, 1978 to 1990 |
67F0001M1997003 |
of Canadian importing firms, 1978 to 1986 |
67F0001M1997004 |
The statistical
discrepancy in Canada's balance of payments, 1962 to 1991 |
67F0001M1997005 |
Canada's public
debt held by non-residents: historical perspectives, 1926 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997006 |
and Canada's international investment position, 1950 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997007 |
The foreign investment
of trusteed pension funds, 1970 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997008 |
Recent trends
in Canadian direct investment abroad: the rise of Canadian multinationals, 1969 to 1992 |
67F0001M1997009 |
Direct investment
profits in Canada and abroad, 1983 to 1993 |
67F0001M1997010 |
Development of
the balance of payments nomenclature |
67F0001M1997011 |
of the Canada-United States current account, 1994 and 1995 |
67F0001M1997012 |
Measurement of
foreign portfolio investment in Canadian bonds |
67F0001M1997013 |
in Canada of the international standards for service trade: on with the fifth |
67F0001M1997014 |
Repo transactions
between residents of Canada and non-residents |
67F0001M1997015 |
Canada's international
legal services, 1995 to 1996 |
67F0001M1997016 |
Canada's international
management consulting, 1990 to 1996 |
67F0001M1997017 |
Canada's implementation
of BPM-5, 1997 |
67F0001M1999018 |
of the Canada-United States current account, 1996 and 1997 |
67F0001M1999019 |
Issues in provincializing
foreign direct investment |
67F0001M2001020 |
Foreign direct
investment: a driving force in economic globalization |
67F0001M2001021 |
Foreign affiliate
trade statistics: measuring economic globalization |
67F0001M2004022 |
of the Canadian - U.S. current account, 2002 and 2003 |
Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada
376-0001 |
Balance of international payments, current account |
376-0002 |
Balance of international payments, capital and financial account |
376-0003 |
Balance of international payments, current account |
376-0004 |
Balance of international payments, capital and financial account |
376-0005 |
Balance of international payments, current account, seasonally adjusted |
376-0006 |
Balance of international payments, current account, goods |
376-0007 |
Balance of international payments, current account, goods |
376-0008 |
Balance of international payments, changes in foreign currency assets and
liabilities booked in Canada by Canadian chartered banks |
376-0009 |
Balance of international payments, Canadian chartered bank transaction in
assets and liabilities booked in Canada with non-residents, flows and position |
376-0010 |
Balance of international payments, changes in foreign currency assets and
liabilities booked in Canada by Canadian chartered banks |
376-0011 |
Balance of international payments, Canadian chartered bank transactions in
assets and liabilities booked in Canada with non-residents, flows and positions |
376-0012 |
Balance of international payments, current account, investment income, by
type and sector |
376-0013 |
Balance of international payments, current account, investment income, by
type and sector |
376-0014 |
Balance of international payments, flows of Canadian direct investment abroad
and foreign direct investment in Canada, by industry and type of transactions |
376-0015 |
Balance of international payments, flows of Canadian direct investment abroad
and foreign direct investment in Canada, by category of transactions |
376-0016 |
Balance of international payments, Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign
direct investment in Canada, acquisitions, sales and other flows |
376-0017 |
Balance of international payments, flows of Canadian direct investment abroad
and foreign direct investment in Canada |
376-0018 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions, net and
gross sales and purchases, by type and sector |
376-0020 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions, net and
gross sales and purchases, by type and sector |
376-0021 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian bonds, by type |
376-0022 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian stocks, by type |
376-0023 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian money market, foreign bonds, and foreign stocks, by type |
376-0024 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian bonds, by type |
376-0025 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian stocks, by category |
376-0026 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian money market, foreign bonds, and foreign stocks, by type |
376-0027 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian bonds, by type |
376-0028 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian stocks, by category |
376-0029 |
International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions with non-residents
in Canadian money market, foreign bonds and stocks, by type |
376-0031 |
International transactions in services, travel by category and geographical
area |
376-0032 |
International transactions in services, transportation by category |
376-0033 |
International transactions in services, commercial services by category |
376-0035 |
International transactions in services, by category |
376-0036 |
International transactions in services, by selected countries |
376-0060 |
Foreign affiliate trade statistics, Canadian operations abroad, by North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS) |
376-0061 |
Foreign affiliate trade statistics, Canadian operations abroad, by countries |
376-0062 |
International transactions in services, commercial services, by North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS) |
Selected surveys from Statistics Canada
1529 |
Capital Invested Abroad
by Canadian Enterprises |
1534 |
Canada's Balance of
International Payments |
1536 |
Canada's International
Transactions in Services |
Selected tables of Canadian statistics from Statistics Canada