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Canada's balance of international payments
System of National Accounts
Third quarter 2004

Analysis — Third quarter 2004

Canada's current account surplus with the rest of the world, on a seasonally adjusted basis, decreased by $1.8 billion in the third quarter to $9.4 billion, its first drop since the fourth quarter of 2002. The change was due to the smaller surplus in goods while a better performance for services was offset by a larger deficit for investment income.

Chart 1
Current account balance

Chart 1
Current account balance

In the capital and financial account (not seasonally adjusted), Canada's foreign assets rose by more than its international liabilities with direct investment abroad again leading the way. After the record increase of the second quarter, Canadian direct investment advanced more moderately. Canadian liabilities with the rest of the world rose by a smaller amount as increases to direct and portfolio liabilities were partly offset by a reduction in other liabilities, primarily loans. By the end of the third quarter, the Canadian dollar jumped nearly 6% against the US dollar, closing above 79 US cents. The strong performance of the Canadian dollar during the quarter was also seen against other major currencies.

Note to readers

The balance of payments covers all economic transactions between Canadian residents and non-residents. It includes the current account and the capital and financial account.

The current account covers transactions on goods, services, investment income and current transfers. Transactions in exports and interest income are examples of receipts, while imports and interest expense are payments. The balance from these transactions determines if Canada's current account is in surplus or deficit.

The capital and financial account is mainly comprised of transactions in financial instruments. Financial assets and liabilities with non-residents are presented under three functional classes: direct investment, portfolio investment and other investment. These investments belong either to Canadian residents (Canadian assets) or to foreign residents (Canadian liabilities). Transactions resulting in a capital inflow are presented as positive values while capital outflows from Canada are shown as negative values.

A current account surplus or deficit should correspond to an equivalent outflow or inflow in the capital and financial account. In other words, the two accounts should add to zero. In fact, as data are compiled from multiple sources, the two balance of payments accounts rarely equate. As a result, the statistical discrepancy is the net unobserved inflow or outflow needed to balance the accounts.

Current account

Goods surplus drops after two strong quarters

The surplus on trade in goods fell to $17.3 billion in the third quarter, down $1.8 billion from the second quarter. This reduction followed two strong quarterly increases in the surplus totalling $5.1 billion.

In the third quarter, the increase in imports surpassed the rise in exports leading to a smaller surplus. Once again, higher prices were responsible for the increase in the value of energy exports. Exports of automotive products shrunk by $0.9 billion after registering their highest values in almost two years during the second quarter.

The $2.3 billion increase in imports came largely from higher values for cars and trucks. Industrial goods, especially metal and metal ores, and crude petroleum were the other major components that contributed to the increase.

Services deficit falls

In the third quarter, the deficit on trade in services was reduced by $0.3 billion to $2.6 billion. The travel deficit decreased $0.2 billion as fewer Canadians travelled abroad. For the first time since the second quarter of 2003, the number of Canadians spending at least one evening abroad went down.

Chart 2
Goods and other Current Account balances

Chart 2
Goods and other Current Account balances

Globally, the number of foreign visitors to Canada dropped during the third quarter, but an increase in the number of non-US travellers caused travel revenues to remain at the same level as in the previous quarter.

The deficit on commercial services shrank $0.1 billion in the third quarter as imports decreased more than exports. The largest declines in imports came from royalties and from miscellaneous services.

Lower profits earned on Canadian direct investment abroad

The deficit on investment income grew by $0.3 billion to $5.4 billon as profits earned by Canadian direct investors abroad fell by $0.6 billion in the third quarter. This reduction came from lower dividend receipts.

Profits earned by foreign investors on their direct investments in Canada also went down as lower dividend payments were observed in the third quarter.

Interest paid on Canadian bonds was fairly stable in the third quarter, despite a stronger Canadian dollar, as new issues of bonds outpaced retirements.

Financial account

Direct investment abroad advances again

Canadian direct investors advanced a more moderate amount to foreign economies during the quarter, after the record expansion in the second quarter. The $11.1 billion investment went to both acquisitions and increases to working capital in foreign affiliates. Geographically, most (59%) was invested in the United States and a fifth of the total went to Asian economies. The investment was widely spread by industry of investor, led by companies classified to services and retailing.

Chart 3
Canadian direct investment abroad1

Chart 3
Canadian direct investment abroad1

Canadian investment in foreign securities almost entirely in bonds

Similar to the second quarter, most of the $3.5 billion investment in foreign securities was in bonds. However in contrast to that quarter, the $3 billion flowing to foreign bonds went primarily to overseas bonds as Canadian investors reduced their buying of US treasuries and corporate bonds. The small investment in foreign stocks repeated the theme thus far in 2004 where Canadians were buying American equities but selling some of their holdings of overseas shares.

Modest investment in Canada by foreign direct investors

Some $5.8 billion worth of foreign direct investment flowed into Canada during the quarter, up significantly from a restated negative investment in the second quarter. The investment was mainly in short-term liabilities and earnings reinvested for working capital purposes as acquisitions were again negative for the third time in the past four quarters. Negative acquisitions result when Canadians on balance repatriate companies from foreign investors. Four-fifths of investment in the third quarter came from US investors while on an industry basis the investment was spread, led by the machinery and transportation sector.

Chart 4
Foreign portfolio investment in Canada

Chart 4
Foreign portfolio investment in Canada

Foreign investment in Canadian securities evenly split between bonds and stocks

Foreign portfolio investors upped their holdings of Canadian securities by $10.8 billion in the quarter. They bought equal amounts of bonds and equities but sold short-term instruments for the third time in the past five quarters.

The $6.6 billion investment in bonds in the quarter was the largest by foreign investors in a year and a half. Similar to the second quarter, most (70%) went to bonds issued by Canadian corporations. The remaining investment was entirely in bonds issued by federal enterprises. The investment originated entirely from Europe and United States as Asian investors sold some of their holdings after acquiring bonds in the previous quarter. On a currency basis, roughly two-thirds was foreign currency denominated mainly in US-dollars with the remainder denominated in Canadian dollars.

In the third quarter, special events were again the principal cause of the $6.3 billion increase in holdings of Canadian shares. While the second quarter saw new Canadian shares issued mainly through a large acquisition of an American firm, the third quarter increase was led by the largest share offering in Canadian history and a corporate restructuring. US investors were the dominant purchasers as they bought four-fifths of the total. Canadian stock prices were up marginally in the quarter but made up all the lost ground from the previous quarter.

In the market for short-term instruments, the seesaw pattern of investment returned to a negative as foreign investors sold off $2.1 billion worth. The second quarter had seen an increase of $1.8 billion in foreign holdings of Canadian paper. The divestment in the third quarter was mainly in paper issued directly by the federal and provincial governments. Both Canadian and US short-term rates rose over the quarter, with the 0.8% spread continuing to favour investing in Canada.

Other investment

In the other investment category, net transactions resulted in a capital outflow entirely from a reduction in Canadian liabilities with non-residents. A large reduction in loans under repurchase agreements, reversing most of the previous quarter's increase, dominated the reduction in liabilities. Deposit liabilities were also reduced, mostly in foreign currencies between Canadian banks and their foreign affiliates.

On the asset side, transactions led to a small capital inflow as deposit and other assets mostly offset each other. Canada's international reserves increased modestly after a small reduction in the previous quarter. The increase was due to larger holdings of securities and deposits denominated in US dollars.

Reconciliation of the Canadian - U.S. current account, 2002 and 2003

By Patricia Abaroa, Edward Dozier, and Denis Caron 1

On a reconciled basis, the published Canadian surplus, or U.S. deficit, is US$38.9 billion for 2002 and US$41.7 billion for 2003 ( table 1). 2 The Canadian current account balance is a Canadian surplus of US$39.5 billion for 2002 and a Canadian surplus of US$44.7 billion for 2003. The corresponding U.S. published balance with Canada is a U.S. deficit of US$28.7 billion for 2002 and a U.S. deficit of US$32.1 billion for 2003. 3

The results of the reconciliation of the bilateral current account estimates of Canada and the United States for 2002 and 2003 are presented in this article. 4  Tables 2 and 3 present the published estimates, the estimates on a common basis (after the estimates have been adjusted for definitional and methodological differences), the reconciled estimates, and the amounts of the adjustments for each major current account component. Further details of the current account reconciliation for 2002 and 2003 are persented in supplementary tables included in the research paper Reconciliation of the Canadian - U.S. current account, 2002 and 2003 (catalogue # 67F0001M2004022). 5

Reconciled current account balances

In the Canadian current account, the reconciliation adjustments result in a decrease of US$0.6 billion in the Canadian surplus for 2002 and in a decrease of US$3.0 billion in the Canadian surplus for 2003. For both years, the decreases in the Canadian surplus reflect larger downward adjustments to the Canadian southbound estimates than to the Canadian northbound estimates. 6 For both years, the largest downward adjustments to the Canadian southbound estimates are from valuation adjustments to goods (definitional), from revisions to the published estimates of direct investment income (definitional adjustment), from the elimination of the withholding tax in current unilateral transfers (definitional adjustment), and from methodological adjustments to net some income of Canadian banks in "other" investment income. In the Canadian northbound estimates, the largest downward adjustments are from "other" investment income to eliminate withholding tax (definitional adjustment), to net some income of Canadian banks (methodological adjustment), and to eliminate statistical differences in income on U.S. holdings of Canadian bonds. For 2003, the reconciled estimates also reflect a large statistical adjustment in "other" services. Though the methodological adjustments explain part of the total adjustments to the northbound and the southbound estimates of "other" investment income, they do not affect the current account balance because the northbound and the southbound methodological adjustments are offsetting.

In the U.S. current account, the reconciliation adjustments result in an increase of US$10.2 billion in the U.S. deficit for 2002 and an increase of US$9.6 billion in the U.S. deficit for 2003. For both years, the increases reflect larger upward adjustments to the U.S. southbound estimates than to the U.S. northbound estimates. For both years, the largest increases in the U.S. southbound estimates result from the addition of Canadian reexports to U.S. goods imports (a definitional adjustment), from the valuation of U.S. natural gas imports to include inland freight (a definitional adjustment), from an increase for undercoverage of some southbound services (a statistical adjustment), and for 2002, from adjustments for statistical differences in direct investment income. For both years, the largest increases in the U.S. northbound estimates result from upward adjustments to investment income for undercoverage of income on U.S. holdings of Canadian bonds (statistical adjustments), and for 2003, from adjustments for statistical differences in direct investment income and in "other" services.

Summary of reconciliation methodology

In reconciling the Canadian and U.S published bilateral current account estimates, the estimates are first restated to a common basis, that is, they are adjusted for definitional and methodological differences; the remaining adjustments that are needed to reach the reconciled values are the statistical adjustments. The framework for reconciling the Canadian and U.S. estimates to a common basis mainly follows the international standards published in the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual (fifth edition). The Canadian and U.S. published estimates now largely conform to the international standards, but that some differences with the international standards, and between the Canadian and U.S. estimates, remain in the published estimates because of data limitations, difficulties in determining country attribution, and differences in classification, and because in a few cases, international standards provide for more than one acceptable treatment.

The definitional adjustments mainly reflect data limitations and differences in country attribution. For example, as part of the reconciliation, U.S. published estimates of imports of goods from Canada are adjusted to include Canadian reexports to the United States (goods imported by Canada from third countries and then reexported to the United States without substantial changes) because U.S. imports of goods are recorded on a country of origin basis. Another example of a definitional adjustment is that the Canadian estimates, mainly investment income, are adjusted to a basis that is net of withholding taxes because the U.S. withholding tax estimates, which are included on a global basis in the U.S. published accounts, cannot be allocated by country for comparison with the Canadian estimates.

The methodological adjustments mainly reflect differences in classification. For example, parts of the U.S. estimates of film rentals and courier services are recorded in various services accounts; for reconciliation, they are reclassified to a single account. A few Canadian and U.S. accounts, mainly interest income, are adjusted to a net or gross basis for comparability.

Statistical differences reflect the use of different source data in Canada and the United States, the difficulty in determining country attribution because of insufficient data, the preliminary nature of some of the data (particularly for the most recent year), and the use of sample data between benchmarks. For both the northbound and the southbound estimates, most of the statistical differences are in Canadian and the U.S. estimates of "other" services and of investment income.

Note on the Canadian - U.S. current account reconciliation

The Canadian-U.S. current account reconciliation, which explains the differences between the estimates of the bilateral current account published by Statistics Canada and those published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), is undertaken because of the extensive economic links between Canada and the United States. The reconciled estimates are intended to assist analysts who use both countries' statistics and to show how the current account estimates would appear if both countries used common definitions, methodologies, and data sources. 7

In principle, the bilateral current account of one country should mirror the bilateral current account of the other country. Differences occur in the published estimates of the U.S. and Canadian current accounts because of variations in the definitions, methodologies, and statistical sources that are used by each country. Some of the differences for 2003 are in components of the current account for which data are still preliminary and subject to revision; these differences may be eliminated when final data for these components become available.

The longstanding Canadian-U.S. current account reconciliation is among the leading examples of the benefits of international data exchanges. As a part of the reconciliation process, Canada and the United States have evaluated the accuracy of each other's estimates, and as a result, each country now includes in its published estimates some data that are provided by the other country. The exchange of data between Canada and the United States for transactions such as trade in goods, travel, passenger fares, Canadian and U.S. Government transactions, and some large transportation transactions covers a substantial portion of the value of the Canadian and U.S. current account and has eliminated some of the differences in the Canadian and U.S. published estimates. In addition, the reconciliation process has highlighted areas where errors and omissions may exist in each country's estimates, which has helped in targeting data improvement efforts.

Although the Canadian and U.S. published estimates are reconciled and there is extensive exchange of data between Canada and the United States, differences in the published estimates remain. Complete substitution of the reconciled estimates for published estimates and complete exchange of data are not feasible for several reasons. For trade in goods, imports in the U.S. accounts would be affected because the United States attributes Canadian reexports to the country of origin rather than to Canada, the last country of shipment. For some accounts, the protection of the confidentiality of the source data bars the exchange of data. Finally, a few differences are attributable to different requirements for integrating the international and national (domestic) accounts in each country.


The reconciliations were carried out under the direction of Patricia Abaroa and Edward Dozier, international economists in BEA's Balance of Payments Division and Denis Caron, Chief, Current Account, in Statistics Canada's Balance of Payments Division.

At BEA, Mai-Chi Hoang was responsible for reconciling goods; Michael Mann, Edward Dozier, and Erin Nephew, for services, with the assistance of Matthew Argersinger for financial services; Gregory Fouch, for the accounts related to Canadian direct investment in the United States; Mark New, for the accounts related to U.S. direct investment in Canada; and Patricia Abaroa for the portfolio income accounts.

At Statistics Canada, Denis Caron was responsible for reconciling Canadian goods and services, Michael Marth for Canadian direct investment income, and Robert Théberge for Canadian portfolio investment income, with the collaboration and assistance of Brian André, Heather Collier, Jacqueline Dickie, Christian Lajule, Éric Simard, and Angela Yuan.

Text table 1
Major Canada - United States balances

                   Published estimates Reconciled estimates
Canada (billions of Canadian dollars) Canada United States Canada United States
    billions of U.S. dollars
Goods and services -88.0 56.0 -44.4 55.3 -55.3
Goods 92.0 58.6 -50.9 58.8 -58.8
Services -4.0 -2.5 6.4 -3.4 3.4
Income -29.6 -18.8 16.1 -16.8 16.8
Current transfers 3.6 2.3 -0.3 0.3 -0.3
Current account 62.0 39.5 -28.7 38.9 -38.9
Goods and services 83.9 59.9 -46.8 58.7 -58.7
Goods 90.5 64.6 -54.3 63.5 -63.5
Services -6.6 -4.7 7.6 -4.8 4.8
Income -24.5 -17.5 14.9 -17.2 17.2
Current transfers 3.4 2.4 -0.2 0.2 -0.2
Current account 62.7 44.7 -32.1 41.7 -41.7
Note: A U.S. surplus (+) is a Canadian deficit (-), and a Canadian surplus (+) is a U.S. deficit (-).
Details may not add to totals because of rounding.

Text table 2
U.S.-Canadian current account reconciliation, northbound

                    Published estimates Common-basis estimates after definitional and methodological adjustments Reconciled estimates, including statistical adjustments Total adjustments to published estimates
U.S. receipts Canadian payments Difference U.S. receipts Canadian payments Difference U.S. receipts Canadian payments United States Canada
  millions of U.S. dollars
Goods and services 185,743 188,481 -2,738 185,658 186,932 -1,274 186,212 186,212 469 -2,269
Goods, balance of payments basis 160,894 162,438 -1,544 161,091 161,971 -880 161,352 161,352 458 -1,086
Services 24,849 26,043 -1,194 24,567 24,961 -394 24,860 24,860 11 -1,183
Travel 6,268 6,910 -642 7,136 6,910 226 7,013 7,013 745 103
Passenger fares 1,717 1,279 438 1,717 1,279 438 1,279 1,279 -438
Other transportation 2,544 2,277 267 2,544 2,369 175 2,532 2,532 -12 255
Other services 14,320 15,577 -1,257 13,170 14,403 -1,233 14,036 14,036 -284 -1,541
Income 21,111 25,693 -4,582 20,854 23,000 -2,146 22,509 22,509 1,398 -3,184
Investment income 21,027 25,693 -4,666 20,770 22,916 -2,146 22,425 22,425 1,398 -3,268
Direct investment 12,796 9,591 3,205 12,696 9,050 3,646 11,831 11,831 -965 2,240
Other investment 8,231 16,102 -7,871 8,074 13,866 -5,792 10,594 10,594 2,363 -5,508
Compensation of employees 84 [1] 84 84 84 84 84 84
Current unilateral transfers [2] 615 -615 507 284 223 482 482 482 -133
Current account, northbound 206,854 214,789 -7,935 207,019 210,216 -3,197 209,203 209,203 2,349 -5,586
Goods and services 196,914 200,164 -3,250 196,752 198,641 -1,889 197,370 197,370 456 -2,794
Goods, balance of payments basis 169,905 171,153 -1,248 170,113 170,716 -603 170,126 170,126 221 -1,027
Services 27,009 29,011 -2,002 26,639 27,925 -1,286 27,244 27,244 235 -1,767
Travel 6,844 7,588 -744 7,776 7,588 188 7,647 7,647 803 59
Passenger fares 2,114 1,531 583 2,114 1,531 583 1,531 1,531 -583
Other transportation 2,614 2,451 163 2,614 2,561 53 2,619 2,619 5 168
Other services 15,437 17,441 -2,004 14,135 16,245 -2,110 15,447 15,447 10 -1,994
Income 24,482 27,211 -2,729 24,327 24,540 -213 25,695 25,695 1,213 -1,516
Investment income 24,384 27,211 -2,827 24,229 24,442 -213 25,597 25,597 1,213 -1,614
Direct investment 17,430 10,959 6,471 17,354 10,307 7,047 14,352 14,352 -3,078 3,393
Other investment 6,954 16,252 -9,298 6,875 14,135 -7,260 11,245 11,245 4,291 -5,007
Compensation of employees 98 [1] 98 98 98 98 98 98
Current unilateral transfers [2] 742 -742 607 331 276 586 586 586 -156
Current account, northbound 221,396 228,117 -6,721 221,686 223,512 -1,826 223,651 223,651 2,255 -4,466
(1) In the Canadian published accounts, compensation of employees is included in "other" services.
(2) Current unilateral transfers are published on a net basis in the U.S. accounts and appear as net payments in table 3.

Text table 3
U.S.-Canadian current account reconciliation, southbound

                    Published estimates Common-basis estimates after definitional and methodological adjustments Reconciled estimates, including statistical adjustments Total adjustments to published estimates
Canada receipts U.S. payments Difference Canada receipts U.S. payments Difference Canada receipts U.S. payments Canada United States
  millions of U.S. dollars
Goods and services 244,528 230,167 14,361 242,042 238,361 3,681 241,546 241,546 -2,982 11,379
Goods, balance of payments basis 221,007 211,756 9,251 219,952 220,042 -90 220,128 220,128 -879 8,372
Services 23,521 18,411 5,110 22,090 18,319 3,771 21,418 21,418 -2,103 3,007
Travel 6,581 6,489 92 6,581 6,517 64 6,581 6,581 92
Passenger fares 597 594 3 597 594 3 597 597 3
Other transportation 3,117 3,471 -354 3,098 3,242 -144 3,170 3,170 53 -301
Other services 13,226 7,857 5,369 11,814 7,966 3,848 11,070 11,070 -2,156 3,213
Income 6,855 5,058 1,797 4,479 4,144 335 5,738 5,738 -1,117 680
Investment income 6,855 4,753 2,102 4,269 3,839 430 5,433 5,433 -1,422 680
Direct investment 2,030 -833 2,863 601 -908 1,509 1,132 1,132 -898 1,965
Other investment 4,825 5,586 -761 3,668 4,747 -1,079 4,301 4,301 -524 -1,285
Other private investment 3,879 4,722 -843 2,839 3,883 -1,044 3,455 3,455 -424 -1,267
U.S. Government liabilities 946 864 82 829 864 -35 846 846 -100 -18
Compensation of employees [1] 305 -305 210 305 -95 305 305 305
Current unilateral transfers 2,876 340 2,536 1,014 847 167 821 821 -2,055 481
Current account, northbound 254,259 235,565 18,694 247,535 243,352 4,183 248,105 248,105 -6,154 12,540
Goods and services 260,016 243,670 16,346 256,131 252,857 3,274 256,060 256,060 -3,956 12,390
Goods, balance of payments basis 235,730 224,249 11,481 233,141 233,533 -392 233,609 233,609 -2,121 9,360
Services 24,286 19,421 4,865 22,990 19,324 3,666 22,451 22,451 -1,835 3,030
Travel 6,483 6,376 107 6,483 6,432 51 6,483 6,483 107
Passenger fares 405 406 -1 405 406 -1 405 405 -1
Other transportation 3,271 3,634 -363 3,283 3,397 -114 3,373 3,373 102 -261
Other services 14,127 9,005 5,122 12,819 9,089 3,730 12,190 12,190 -1,937 3,185
Income 9,697 9,599 98 6,925 8,934 -2,009 8,491 8,491 -1,206 -1,108
Investment income 9,697 9,253 444 6,680 8,588 -1,908 8,155 8,155 -1,542 -1,098
Direct investment 4,700 3,528 1,172 2,615 3,461 -846 3,487 3,487 -1,213 -41
Other investment 4,997 5,725 -728 4,065 5,127 -1,062 4,668 4,668 -329 -1,057
Other private investment 4,103 4,678 -575 3,295 4,080 -785 3,759 3,759 -344 -919
U.S. Government liabilities 894 1,047 -153 770 1,047 -277 909 909 15 -138
Compensation of employees [1] 346 -346 245 346 -101 336 336 336 -10
Current unilateral transfers 3,140 190 2,950 1,087 797 290 787 787 -2,353 597
Current account, northbound 272,853 253,459 19,394 264,143 262,588 1,555 265,338 265,338 -7,515 11,879
(1) In the Canadian published accounts, compensation of employees is included in "other" services.

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