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Statistical tables

  1. Related CANSIM tables
Table 1 Total value of building permits, provinces and territories, seasonally adjusted
Table 2 Value of non-residential building permits, provinces and territories, seasonally adjusted
Table 3 Value of residential building permits, provinces and territories, seasonally adjusted
Table 4 Number of dwelling units authorized, province and territories, seasonally adjusted at annual rate
Table 5 Dwelling units, value of residential and non-residential building permits, provinces and territories, seasonally adjusted, 2016
Table 6 Dwelling units, value of residential and non-residential building permits, census metropolitan areas, seasonally adjusted, 2016
Table 7 Dwelling units, provinces and territories, unadjusted, 2016
Table 8 Dwelling units, census metropolitan areas, unadjusted, March 2016
Table 9 Dwelling units, census metropolitan areas, unadjusted, cumulative, January to March 2016
Table 10 Value of residential and non-residential building permits, provinces and territories, unadjusted, 2016
Table 11 Value of residential and non-residential building permits, census metropolitan areas, unadjusted, March 2016
Table 12 Value of residential and non-residential building permits, census metropolitan areas, unadjusted, cumulative, January to March 2016
Table 13 Value of non-residential building permits, by type of building, provinces and territories, unadjusted, March 2016
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