User Guide for the Survey of Household Spending, 2017
Appendix H
Response rates, imputation rates, estimated number of households and average household size by domain, three territorial capitals, 2017

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Table H1
Diary response rates among the respondents to the interview, three territorial capitals, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Diary response rates among the respondents to the interview Interview respondents, Diaries, Refusal, Unusable, Usable and Response rate, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Interview respondents DiariesTable H1 Note 1
RefusalTable H1 Note 2 Unusable Usable Response rateTable H1 Note 3
number percentage
Territorial capitals 598 279 6 313 52.3
Whitehorse 289 152 2 135 46.7
Yellowknife 179 80 2 97 54.2
Iqaluit 130 47 2 81 62.3
Table H2
Interview response rates by quarter, three territorial capitals, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Interview response rates by quarter Eligible sampled households, No contacts, Refusals, Residual non-respondents, Respondents and Response rate, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Eligible sampled households No contacts Refusals Residual non-respondents Respondents Response rateTable H2 Note 1
number percentage
Territorial capitals
All quarters 929 105 204 22 598 64.4
Quarter 1 225 23 59 4 139 61.8
Quarter 2 247 29 60 9 149 60.3
Quarter 3 223 22 42 6 153 68.6
Quarter 4 234 31 43 3 157 67.1
All quarters 472 40 130 13 289 61.2
Quarter 1 123 9 34 2 78 63.4
Quarter 2 114 12 40 5 57 50.0
Quarter 3 121 10 28 5 78 64.5
Quarter 4 114 9 28 1 76 66.7
All quarters 287 53 51 4 179 62.4
Quarter 1 70 9 20 1 40 57.1
Quarter 2 79 13 11 2 53 67.1
Quarter 3 70 11 10 0 49 70.0
Quarter 4 68 20 10 1 37 54.4
All quarters 170 12 23 5 130 76.5
Quarter 1 32 5 5 1 21 65.6
Quarter 2 54 4 9 2 39 72.2
Quarter 3 32 1 4 1 26 81.3
Quarter 4 52 2 5 1 44 84.6
Table H3
Diary response rates by quarter, three territorial capitals, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Diary response rates by quarter Eligible sampled households, Interview non-respondents, Diaries, Response rate, Refusal, Unusable and Usable, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Eligible sampled households Interview non-respondentsTable H3 Note 1 DiariesTable H3 Note 2 Response rateTable H3 Note 4
RefusalTable H3 Note 3 Unusable Usable
number percentage
Territorial capitals
All quarters 929 331 279 6 313 33.7
Quarter 1 225 86 52 2 85 37.8
Quarter 2 247 98 76 0 73 29.6
Quarter 3 223 70 80 1 72 32.3
Quarter 4 234 77 71 3 83 35.5
All quarters 472 183 152 2 135 28.6
Quarter 1 123 45 38 0 40 32.5
Quarter 2 114 57 37 0 20 17.5
Quarter 3 121 43 43 1 34 28.1
Quarter 4 114 38 34 1 41 36.0
All quarters 287 108 80 2 97 33.8
Quarter 1 70 30 10 2 28 40.0
Quarter 2 79 26 22 0 31 39.2
Quarter 3 70 21 27 0 22 31.4
Quarter 4 68 31 21 0 16 23.5
All quarters 170 40 47 2 81 47.6
Quarter 1 32 11 4 0 17 53.1
Quarter 2 54 15 17 0 22 40.7
Quarter 3 32 6 10 0 16 50.0
Quarter 4 52 8 16 2 26 50.0
Table H4
Impact of expenditure imputation on communication, television, satellite radio and home security services, three territorial capitals, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Impact of expenditure imputation on communication Impact of imputation, calculated using percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Impact of imputationTable H4 Note 1
Landline telephone services 35.5
Cell phone and pager 3.2
Television and satellite radio services 39.8
Internet access services 34.4
Home security services 0.0
Table H5
Imputation rates for goods and services including food from stores, by type of imputation and recording method, three territorial capitals,2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Imputation rates for goods and services including food from stores. The information is grouped by Type of imputation (appearing as row headers), Transcribed items, Items from a receipt and All items, calculated using percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of imputation Transcribed items Items from a receipt All items
Imputation of a missing cost for a reported expense
Food from stores 2.1 0.2 0.7
Other goods and services 5.3 0.3 2.5
All expenditures 3.4 0.2 1.3
Imputation of expenditure items (and their individual cost) from a total expense
Food from stores 61.8 3.1 19.8
Other goods and services 27.3 2.7 13.5
All expenditures 47.9 3.0 17.9
Imputation of detailed expenditure code
Food from stores 3.1 3.7 3.5
Other goods and services 5.4 3.8 4.5
All expenditures 4.0 3.7 3.8
Table H6
Imputation for rates snacks, beverages and meals purchased from restaurants or fast-food outlets, by type of imputation and recording method, three territorial capitals, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Imputation for rates snacks. The information is grouped by Type of imputation (appearing as row headers), Transcribed items, Items from a receipt and All items, calculated using percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of imputation Transcribed items Items from a receipt All items
Imputation of total cost 1.38 0.00 1.01
Imputation of costs for alcoholic beveragesTable H6 Note 1 11.92 17.41 13.39
Imputation of meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack and beverages) 7.60 2.82 6.32
Table H7
Estimated number of households and average household size, three territorial capitals, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Estimated number of households and average household size. The information is grouped by Domain (appearing as row headers), Estimated number of households and Average household size (appearing as column headers).
Domain Estimated number of households Average household size
Territorial capitals 21,589 2.55
Whitehorse 11,143 2.38
Yellowknife 7,581 2.69
Iqaluit 2,865 2.84
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