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Table C1
Interview response rates by size of area of residence, Canada, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Interview response rates by size of area of residence Eligible sampled households, No contacts, Refusals, Residual non-respondents, Respondents and Response rate, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Table C2
Diary response rates by size of area of residence, CanadaTable C2 Note 1, 2017 Table summary
This table displays the results of Diary response rates by size of area of residence Eligible sampled households, Interview non-respondents, Diaries, Response rate, Refusal, Unusable and Usable, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Table C3
Interview response rates by dwelling type, CanadaTable C3 Note 1, 2017 Table summary
This table displays the results of Interview response rates by dwelling type Eligible sampled households, No contacts, Refusals, Residual non-respondents, Respondents and Response rate, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Table C4
Diary response rates by dwelling type, CanadaTable C4 Note 1, 2017 Table summary
This table displays the results of Diary response rates by dwelling type Eligible sampled households, Interview non-respondents, Diaries, Response rate, Refusal, Unusable and Usable, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).