User Guide for the Survey of Household Spending, 2017
Appendix B
Response rates by collection month, CanadaTable B1 Note 1

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Table B1
Interview response rates by collection month, Canada, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Interview response rates by collection month Eligible sampled households, No contacts, Refusals, Residual non-respondents, Respondents and Response rate, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Eligible sampled households No contacts Refusals Residual non-respondents Respondents Response rateTable B1 Note 2
number percentage
All months 17,792 1,116 4,126 656 11,894 66.9
January 1,501 104 332 42 1,023 68.2
February 1,534 101 358 68 1,007 65.6
March 1,465 90 345 52 978 66.8
April 1,468 69 364 54 981 66.8
May 1,497 90 363 66 978 65.3
June 1,493 79 325 72 1,017 68.1
July 1,472 112 324 50 986 67.0
August 1,454 92 344 42 976 67.1
September 1,516 109 358 47 1,002 66.1
October 1,489 88 339 54 1,008 67.7
November 1,491 98 339 59 995 66.7
December 1,412 84 335 50 943 66.8
Table B2
Diary response rates by collection month, CanadaTable B2 Note 1, 2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Diary response rates by collection month Eligible sampled households, Interview non-respondents, Diaries, Response rate, Refusal, Unusable and Usable, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Eligible sampled householdsTable B2 Note 2 Interview non-respondentsTable B2 Note 3 DiariesTable B2 Note 4 Response rateTable B2 Note 6
RefusalTable B2 Note 5 Unusable Usable
number percentage
All months 8,948 3,063 2,048 138 3,699 41.3
January 751 269 140 6 336 44.7
February 758 274 160 9 315 41.6
March 741 238 143 11 349 47.1
April 741 260 168 9 304 41.0
May 752 261 171 10 310 41.2
June 753 243 189 16 305 40.5
July 733 250 164 12 307 41.9
August 755 247 187 11 310 41.1
September 763 248 192 12 311 40.8
October 734 257 181 12 284 38.7
November 757 265 173 16 303 40.0
December 710 251 180 14 265 37.3
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