Table 11
Estimated additions to still gas, diesel, petroleum coke and crude oil1

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Estimated additions to still gas, diesel, petroleum coke and crude oil1
Table summary
This table displays the estimated additions to still gas, diesel, petroleum coke and crude oil. It reflects internally produced and consumed petroleum products by oilsands and upgraders. The row headers provide information by fuel type. The column headers provide information by geography and the unit of measure is megalitres.
  Saskatchewan Alberta Canada
Still gas  181 4 173 4 354
Natural gas and product transfer  255 2 607 2 862
Diesel 2  706  706
Petroleum coke 1 067 1 067
This reflects internally produced and consumed petroleum products by oilsands and upgraders.
To avoid double counting in the crude oil stream, gains from the hydrogen treatment of natural gas in upgrader and oilsands facilities are accounted for as a plus (+) in Inter-product transfers and as a minus (-) in other adjustments. Amounts flowing from the Natural gas stream are shown as a negative in Inter-product transfers.
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