Table 10
Consumption of solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor for energy production

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Consumption of solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor for energy production
Table summary
This table displays consumption of solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor for energy production. The row headers provide information by province. The column headers provide information by fuel type, in both kilotonnes and terajoules.
  Solid wood waste Spent pulping liquor
  Kilotonnes Terajoules Kilotonnes Terajoules
Canada 12,078 217,409 19,910 278,736
Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia x x x x
New Brunswick x x x x
Quebec 2,828 50,897 2,760 38,638
Ontario 1,856 33,413 2,237 31,317
Manitoba x x x x
Saskatchewan x x x x
Alberta 1,440 25,916 3,381 47,337
British Columbia 4,985 89,732 9,719 136,069
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