The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation

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Release date: June 12, 2019 Correction date: January 9, 2024

Correction Notice

The population counts have been revised with the appropriate version. The appropriate version of population data was used to calculate the 2016 and 2021 CIMD indices and the CIMD scores and quintiles are correct. The adjustment to the files does not affect the “fitness for use”.

The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation dataset includes tables in an Excel and Comma-separated values (CSV) format for the national-level index (excluding the territories), as well as three provincial and two regional indexes: the Atlantic region (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick), Quebec, Ontario, the Prairie region (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta), and British Columbia. 

For more information, users should consult The Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation: User Guide related to this product.

Data tables
Reference period: 2016

Canada CSV | XLSX
Atlantic region CSV | XLSX
Quebec CSV | XLSX
Ontario CSV | XLSX
Prairie region CSV | XLSX
British Columbia CSV | XLSX

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