Economic and Social Reports
Trends in education–occupation mismatch among recent immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher, 2001 to 2021

Release date: May 22, 2024


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Selecting immigrants with high levels of education increases their chances of economic success. Immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher are more adaptable to changes in the labour market and have steeper growth in employment earnings than those with a trades or high school education (Picot, Hou, & Qiu, 2016). However, many immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher have occupations that underutilize their skills, which can reduce their employment income, productivity and well-being (Cornelissen & Turcotte, 2020).

From 2001 to 2016, the Canadian workforce with a bachelor’s degree or higher increased by 1.7 million people, but only half of these workers were absorbed into high-skilled occupations (i.e., jobs that required a bachelor’s degree or higher). This trend towards education–occupation mismatch among workers with a degree was concentrated among recent immigrants as younger Canadian-born people experienced a modest decrease in their mismatch rate over this period (Hou, Lu, & Schimmele, 2019).

As firms have adopted new technologies and automated tasks, the percentage of Canadians employed in managerial, professional and technical occupations has grown. The pace of this change in demand for high-skilled workers accelerated after 2018 (Frenette, 2023). Since the mid-2010s, the earnings gaps between immigrants and Canadian-born workers have narrowed, after widening from 2000 to 2015 (Crossman, Hou, & Picot, 2021). This improvement was likely because of stronger labour demand, as well as policy changes that better aligned the selection of immigrants with labour demand and other factors that increase their chances for economic success. These changes in labour demand may have improved the rate of education–occupation match among immigrants.

This article updates the trends in education–occupation mismatch documented by Hou, Lu and Schimmele (2019) with census data from 2001 to 2021. Education–occupation mismatch is defined based on the educational requirements for occupations in the National Occupational Classification (NOC).Note  Occupations were classified as those that require a bachelor’s degree or higher (high-skilled occupations), some postsecondary education (medium-skilled occupations), or a high school education or less (low-skilled occupations).Note  Workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher who are employed in low-skilled occupations are considered to be overeducated for their jobs, those employed in medium-skilled occupations are marginally overeducated and those employed in high-skilled occupations are education–occupation matched.Note 

The study focuses on the outcomes of recent immigrants who have been permanent residents of Canada for 10 years or less in a given census year. The rate of education–occupation match of recent immigrants with a degree is an indicator of their long-term prospects for economic integration. In Canada, workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher who have low-skilled occupations early in their careers have increasingly lower chances of transitioning to high-skilled occupations over time (Chen & Fougère, 2014; Cornelissen & Turcotte, 2020).

Immigrants contributed much of the growth in the number of Canadians with a bachelor’s degree or higher from 2016 to 2021

From 2016 to 2021, the number of Canadians aged 25 to 64 years with a bachelor’s degree or higher increased from 5.2 million to 6.0 million people, continuing the long-term expansion of the population with a high level of educational attainment (Table 1). This occurred because of an increase in the percentage of Canadians with a degree, as well as population growth. Immigrants accounted for 60% of the growth of Canadians with a degree. Growth in the number of Canadians with a degree from 2016 to 2021 was higher among recent immigrants (+25%) and established immigrants (+28%) than among Canadian-born people aged 25 to 34 years (+11%) or those aged 35 to 64 years (+10%).

As in other census years since 2001, immigrants had a higher level of educational attainment than the Canadian-born population in 2021. About 55.3% of recent immigrants and 39.8% of established immigrants had a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with 32.6% of Canadian-born people aged 25 to 34 years and 24.8% of Canadian-born people aged 35 to 64 years.

Among people aged 25 to 64 years with a bachelor’s degree or higher, 79.1% of recent immigrants and 80.5% of established immigrants were employed in May 2021. The employment rate of recent immigrants with a degree was higher in 2021 than in 2016 or in any other census year since 2001. By contrast, the employment rate of established immigrants with a degree was lower in 2021 than in previous census years. The employment rates of Canadian-born people with a bachelor’s degree or higher were consistently higher than those of recent and established immigrants.

Table 1
Estimated population aged 25 to 64 years with a bachelor's degree or higher and employment rates of Canadians with a degree, 2001 to 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of Estimated population aged 25 to 64 years with a bachelor's degree or higher and employment rates of Canadians with a degree Total, Recent immigrants, Established immigrants, Canadian-born people aged
25 to 34 and Canadian-born people aged
35 to 64, calculated using number, percent and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Total Recent immigrants Established immigrants Canadian-born people aged
25 to 34
Canadian-born people aged
35 to 64
People with a bachelor's degree or higher
2001 3,131,700 414,300 505,500 722,100 1,489,800
2006 3,883,100 597,300 664,900 800,900 1,820,000
2011 4,622,800 662,900 907,300 933,800 2,118,800
2016 5,201,300 795,600 1,107,900 1,015,800 2,282,000
2021 6,057,800 991,600 1,423,200 1,128,100 2,514,900
People with a bachelor's degree or higher
2001 19.5 33.8 21.5 22.9 15.9
2006 22.7 46.6 24.5 25.7 18.2
2011 25.5 49.0 29.6 28.3 20.4
2016 28.0 49.9 34.2 29.9 22.1
2021 32.0 55.3 39.8 32.6 24.8
Employment rates of people with a bachelor's degree or higher
2001 84.2 73.2 83.9 88.2 85.3
2006 83.2 75.4 82.2 87.8 84.0
2011 82.8 74.8 81.5 87.9 83.7
2016 83.3 75.7 82.4 88.5 84.2
2021 82.9 79.1 80.5 87.4 83.8
Population growth from 2001 to 2021 93.4 139.3 181.5 56.2 68.8

Education–occupation match has improved for recent immigrants since 2016

Employment growth was more concentrated in high-skilled occupations from 2016 to 2021 than in the previous 15 years for both recent immigrants and younger Canadian-born workers (aged 25 to 34 years) with a bachelor’s degree or higher.Note  Among recent immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher, 59% of employment growth from 2016 to 2021 was in high-skilled occupations, compared with 32% from 2001 to 2016.Note  Relative growth of employment in high-skilled occupations was higher for younger Canadian-born workers with a degree from 2016 to 2021 (+90%) and in the previous 15 years (+61%).

In the 2016-to-2021 period, the total number of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher grew 15.9%, but their employment in high-skilled occupations grew even more, at 17.8%. With the stronger demand for high-skilled workers, the total overeducation rate in Canada decreased from 14.8% in 2016 to 13.5% in 2021, while the education–occupation match increased 1 percentage point (Table 2). This finding was opposite to the trend over the 2001-to-2016 period, when the match rate decreased from 64.2% to 60.2%.

This change in labour demand reversed the trend towards education–occupation mismatch among recent immigrants. The overeducation rate of recent immigrants decreased from 31.1% in 2016 to 26.7% in 2021.Note  Their rate of education–occupation match concurrently increased from 40.0% in 2016 to 44.4% in 2021.

Even with these improvements, a large percentage of recent immigrants with a degree were in mismatched occupations in 2021, and their rate of education–occupation match was lower than it was 20 years earlier. Furthermore, the disparity in education–occupation match between recent immigrants and young Canadian-born workers was larger in 2021 than it was 20 years earlier. In 2021, the overeducation rate of recent immigrants was more than double that of young Canadian-born workers.

Longer duration of residence in Canada decreased the disparity in education–occupation match with Canadian-born workers, but the gap in overeducation was still large for established immigrants who have been permanent residents of Canada for over 10 years. In 2021, 17.1% of established immigrants were overeducated for their occupations, a small decrease from the 2016 rate. Education–occupation match among established immigrants was unchanged from 2016 to 2021, after decreasing from 2001 to 2016.

The decreases in education–occupation mismatch since 2016 were widespread among recent immigrantsNote 

About two-thirds of recent immigrants in 2021 had a degree from a foreign institution,Note  and this was a key correlate for their high rate of education–occupation mismatch. The overeducation rate of recent immigrants with a foreign degree was 24 percentage points higher than that of younger Canadian-born workers, while it was less than 2 percentage points higher for recent immigrants with a Canadian degree. Overeducation has decreased since 2016 for recent immigrants with a foreign degree and those with a Canadian degree.

In 2021, the overeducation rate of recent immigrants was highest among those from Southeast Asia (54.7%) and lowest among those from Northern Europe (7.3%).Note  A large share of those from Southeast Asia were admitted as caregivers (31.4%), a subgroup that had a very high overeducation rate (69.2%). The decrease in overeducation since 2016 occurred for recent immigrants from all source regions but was largest for those from South Asia (from 35.6% to 26.9%), which was the leading source of new immigrants. There were also relatively large decreases in overeducation among recent immigrants from Central and South America (from 30.0% to 23.9%) and East Asia (from 22.5% to 17.6%).

The overeducation rate also decreased to a large extent for recent economic immigrants in the Federal Skilled Worker Program (from 26.7% to 19.9%) and Provincial Nominee Program (from 36.6% to 31.6%). The overeducation rate of recent immigrants in the Canadian Experience Class was relatively low and decreased from 14.1% to 12.4%. These decreases in overeducation occurred alongside the introduction of the Express Entry System in 2015 and other changes in immigrant selection that were designed to improve the economic outcomes of immigrants. Overeducation decreased to a smaller extent among other economic immigrants, family-sponsored immigrants and refugees.

In sum, the stronger demand for high-skilled workers since 2016 and changes in immigrant selection reversed the trend towards education–occupation mismatch among recent immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Despite this improvement, many recent immigrants with a foreign degree encounter disadvantages in the Canadian labour market that contribute to a high rate of education–occupation mismatch.


Christoph Schimmele and Feng Hou are with the Social Analysis and Modelling Division, Statistics Canada.


The authors thank René Morissette for his suggestions for improvement on an earlier draft of this study.

Table 2
Occupational distribution by required educational level among workers aged 25 to 64 with a bachelor's degree or higher, 2001 to 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of Occupational distribution by required educational level among workers aged 25 to 64 with a bachelor's degree or higher Total, Recent immigrants, Established immigrants, Canadian-born people aged
25 to 34 and Canadian-born people aged
35 to 64, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Total Recent immigrants Established immigrants Canadian-born people aged
25 to 34
Canadian-born people aged
35 to 64
Overeducation 371,000 87,100 63,900 98,300 121,700
Marginal overeducation 571,300 70,700 96,500 145,700 258,500
Education–occupation match 1,693,200 145,400 263,500 393,000 891,300
Total 2,635,500 303,200 423,900 637,000 1,271,500
Overeducation 528,200 148,100 100,300 110,000 169,800
Marginal overeducation 694,000 105,400 124,000 152,500 312,100
Education–occupation match 2,007,800 196,900 322,500 440,900 1,047,400
Total 3,230,000 450,400 546,800 703,400 1,529,300
Overeducation 532,400 137,900 125,800 104,100 164,600
Marginal overeducation 915,200 141,200 191,700 194,400 387,800
Education–occupation match 2,380,800 216,800 421,800 522,000 1,220,100
Total 3,828,400 495,900 739,300 820,500 1,772,500
Overeducation 642,600 187,300 162,300 122,000 170,900
Marginal overeducation 1,081,400 174,400 248,800 224,400 433,800
Education–occupation match 2,610,900 240,800 501,500 552,500 1,316,100
Total 4,334,900 602,500 912,600 898,900 1,920,800
Overeducation 677,500 209,000 196,200 107,400 165,000
Marginal overeducation 1,269,700 227,200 316,800 247,300 478,300
Education–occupation match 3,076,700 347,700 633,200 631,000 1,464,800
Total 5,023,900 783,900 1,146,200 985,700 2,108,100
Overeducation 14.1 28.7 15.1 15.4 9.6
Marginal overeducation 21.7 23.3 22.8 22.9 20.3
Education–occupation match 64.2 48.0 62.2 61.7 70.1
Overeducation 16.4 32.9 18.4 15.6 11.1
Marginal overeducation 21.5 23.4 22.7 21.7 20.4
Education–occupation match 62.2 43.7 59.0 62.7 68.5
Overeducation 13.9 27.8 17.0 12.7 9.3
Marginal overeducation 23.9 28.5 25.9 23.7 21.9
Education–occupation match 62.2 43.7 57.1 63.6 68.8
Overeducation 14.8 31.1 17.8 13.6 8.9
Marginal overeducation 25.0 29.0 27.3 25.0 22.6
Education–occupation match 60.2 40.0 55.0 61.5 68.5
Overeducation 13.5 26.7 17.1 10.9 7.8
Marginal overeducation 25.3 29.0 27.6 25.1 22.7
Education–occupation match 61.2 44.4 55.2 64.0 69.5


Chen, X., & Fougère, M. (2014). How persistent is the occupation-education mismatch in Canada? International Scholarly Research Notices.

Cornelissen, L., & Turcotte, M. (2020). Persistent overqualification among immigrants and non-immigrants. Insights on Canadian Society. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-006-X.

Crossman, E., Hou, F., & Picot, G. (2021). Are the gaps in labour market outcomes between immigrants and their Canadian-born counterparts starting to close? Economic and Social Reports, 1(4), 1–19.

Frenette, M. (2023). The changing nature of work since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic and Social Reports, 3(7), 1–11.

Hou, F., Lu, Y., & Schimmele, C. (2019). Recent trends in over-education by immigration status. Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, No. 436. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11F0019M.

Picot, G., Hou, F., & Qiu, H. (2016). The human capital model of selection and immigrant economic outcomes. International Migration, 54(3), 73–88.

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