Appendix Table A.7 Predicted percent of households which treat their drinking water1, showing results for selected case households

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  Census metropolitan area Census agglomeration Rural
Vancouver Toronto Montreal Other
Case 1: Typical household
(2 persons aged 45 to 54; 1 person age 16 to 24; the household member with the highest educational attainment is a high school graduate (no post-secondary); income $50K to 59K; water from a municipal source; only tap water)
49.7 56.7 27.7 43.2 38.5 35.2
Case 2: Single
(1 person age 45 to 54, some post-secondary education; income $30K to 39K; water from a private source; only tap water)
47.4 54.4 25.9 41.0 36.4 33.2
Case 3: Elderly couple
(2 persons age 55+; the household member with the highest educational attainment has some post –secondary education; income $60K to 79K; water from a municipal source; combination tap and other drinking water)
57.6 64.3 34.5 51.1 46.2 42.8
Case 4: Mixed age, high education
(1 person age 16 to 24; 1 person age 45 to 54; 1 person age 55+; the household member with highest educational attainment has a university degree; income $50K to 59K; water from a municipal source; tap water only)
63.4 69.7 40.2 57.2 52.3 48.9
Case 5: Young professional
(1 person age 25 to 44; university degree; income $100K+; water from a municipal source; combination tap and other drinking water)
55.8 51.4 32.9 49.3 44.4 41.0
1. Excludes households who primarily drink bottled water.
Note: See Box 3 for an explanation of the computation of predicted probability.
Source: Statistics Canada, Households and the Environment Survey (HES), 2006.


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