Table 5.5

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Total irrigation volume and irrigation volume per hectare by crop type, by drainage region, 2012
Table Summary
This table displays total irrigation volume and irrigation volume per hectare by crop type, by drainage region in 2012. The row headers provide information by Canada and drainage region. The column headers provide information on total volume in thousands of cubic metres; and irrigation intensities, in cubic metres per hectare, for the following categories: field crops, fruit, vegetable, forage crops and all crops.
  Total volume Irrigation intensities
Field crops 1 Fruit Vegetable Forage crops 2 All crops
  thousands of cubic metres cubic metres per hectare
Canada 3 1,692,331 2,998 2,093 1,328 2,894 2,863
Pacific Coastal 9,991 1,904 F 3,429 1,784 2,011
Fraser–Lower Mainland 148,806 1,229 786 E F 3,930 3,149
Okanagan–Similkameen 47,349 x 3,413 x 5,963 4,373
Columbia 28,685 E x 1,033 x 4,957 E 4,810 E
Missouri 22,586 2,131 1,942 1,988
North Saskatchewan x 2,304 x x 1,783 x
South Saskatchewan 1,295,392 3,181 1,147 E 2,579 2,969
Assiniboine–Red 27,568 1,795 1,008 E F 2,198 1,787
Winnipeg, Lower Saskatchewan–Nelson and Churchill 44,645 3,808 x x x 3,779
Great Lakes 36,896 x 1,352 1,596 x 1,312
Ottawa x x 1,824 E x x x
St. Lawrence 17,826 1,637 2,174 E 1,030 381 1,493
North Shore–Gaspé, Saint John–St. Croix, Maritime Coastal and Newfoundland–Labrador 5,650 852 E 3,464 E x x 1,558 E
Includes annual field crops and tame forages, including barley and potatoes.
Includes any cultivated grass or legume crop which has been (or will be) cut and dried principally for hay or ensilage.
Excludes Yukon, Peace–Athabasca, Lower Mackenzie, Arctic Coast–Islands, Keewatin–Southern Baffin Island, Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec.
Includes farms which reported sales of $10,000 on the 2011 Census of Agriculture. Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, 2013, Agricultural Water Use in Canada, 2012 , Catalogue no. 16-402-X.
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