Table 3
Labour force estimates for selected primary industries in British Columbia

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Labour force estimates for selected primary industries in British Columbia
  Forestry and logging with support activities Fishing, hunting and trapping
  thousands of persons
1990 32.0 8.5
1995 42.1 5.9
2000 40.1 4.7
2001 29.8 5.6
2002 29.5 4.2
2003 31.4 5.1
2004 24.1 3.3
2005 23.7 2.5
2006 23.1 3.2
2007 26.0 3.3
2008 19.1 2.5
2009 17.3 3.0
2010 18.3 2.3
Change 2001 to 2006 (percent) -22.5 -42.9
Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 282-0008 (accessed July 20, 2011).
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