Table 4
Energy indicators

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  2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Primary energy availability (terajoules) 11,163,501 11,478,526 11,527,500 11,307,113 11,176,879 11,654,755
Primary and secondary energy exports (terajoules) 9,491,341 9,444,883 9,810,695 9,641,137 9,833,549 10,246,727
Primary and secondary energy residential consumption (terajoules) 1,286,677 1,338,166 1,313,015 1,296,644 1,243,425 1,344,404
Established reserve, crude bitumen (closing stock,1 million cubic metres) 1,840 1,720 1,660 1,620 3,340 3,500
Established reserve, crude oil (closing stock,1 million cubic metres) 606.1 590.0 603.8 752.3 712.6 ..
Established reserve, natural gas (closing stock,1 billion cubic metres) 1,529.6 1,469.5 1,497.5 1,553.7 1,577.7 ..
Recoverable reserves, coal (closing stock,1 million tonnes) 4,485.3 4,423.1 4,404.2 4,315.6 4,468.8 4,395.1
Recoverable reserves, uranium (closing stock,1 tonnes) 439,000 429,000 444,000 431,000 423,400 ..
Total electricity generation (megawatt hours) 578,728,900 564,218,465 571,291,905 597,810,875 585,097,531 603,572,420
Hydro-electric generation (percent of total) 59.8 59.0 58.7 60.1 60.0 60.6
Nuclear generation (percent of total) 12.3 12.5 14.9 14.5 15.8 14.6
Generation from fossil fuel and other fuel combustion (percent of total) 27.9 28.5 26.4 25.4 24.2 24.8
Private sector research and development expenditures in alternative energy (million constant 1997 dollars) 196 204 .. .. .. ..
1. The size of the reserve at year-end.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, CANSIM tables 128-0009, 153-0012, 153-0013, 153-0014, 153-0017, 153-0018, 153-0019 and 127-0001, accessed February 5, 2009.
Chiru, Radu, 2006, "Research and Development for New Energy Technologies in the Private Sector," Analysis in Brief, Statistcs Canada Catalogue no. 11-621-MIE.
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