Table A2.5
Canadian environmental and clean technology merchandise trade, excluding electricity and waste, by world region

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Appendix Table 2.5 Canadian environmental and clean technology merchandise trade, excluding electricity and waste, by world region
Table summary
This table displays the results of Appendix Table 2.5 Canadian environmental and clean technology merchandise trade 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, calculated using millions of $ units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
$ millions
United States 2,161 2,331 2,412 2,114 2,320 2,763 3,105 3,696 3,763 4,004 4,025
Europe 318 533 600 601 704 685 814 796 730 906 827
Asia 146 179 341 238 267 270 257 290 284 359 358
Central america 37 45 71 45 37 49 47 69 68 64 69
Middle east 42 32 37 43 159 69 93 65 64 56 59
South america 25 28 87 37 61 31 34 25 24 35 40
Africa 29 46 21 43 23 31 45 12 12 44 39
Other 39 56 91 67 69 64 70 68 64 56 60
Total 2,797 3,250 3,659 3,187 3,640 3,964 4,465 5,019 5,010 5,524 5,477
United States 2,446 2,597 2,744 3,096 3,733 4,099 4,334 4,855 5,033 4,697 5,116
Europe 474 528 684 966 1,314 1,485 1,469 1,697 1,868 1,707 1,772
Asia 444 1,074 1,044 1,342 1,052 1,120 1,324 1,279 1,360 1,230 1,658
Central america 217 237 204 253 294 374 405 426 479 512 485
Middle east 104 77 63 44 30 49 52 49 57 53 67
South america 3 9 16 11 78 35 15 18 32 24 36
Africa 133 45 50 15 18 17 13 14 19 23 14
Other 12 15 35 33 78 76 50 68 54 66 72
Total 3,832 4,582 4,839 5,761 6,597 7,254 7,663 8,406 8,903 8,312 9,220
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