Table A2.1
Canadian environmental and clean technololgy trade (merchandise and services), by world region

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Appendix Table 2.1 Canadian environmental and clean technololgy trade (marchandise and services), by world region
Table summary
This table displays the results of Appendix Table 2.1 Canadian environmental and clean technololgy trade (marchandise and services) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, calculated using millions of $ units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
$ millions
United States 6,336 7,439 5,860 5,775 6,465 6,799 7,485 8,705 8,592 8,620 9,293
Europe 758 1,036 914 919 1,309 1,077 1,181 1,215 1,109 1,334 1,491
Asia 806 795 914 884 993 1,059 1,001 1,002 1,039 1,106 1,188
Central america 37 53 81 50 50 59 66 60 51 47 107
Middle east 65 59 87 64 51 68 62 87 86 76 82
South america 91 56 53 60 175 100 113 86 87 74 79
Africa 85 139 199 218 220 170 204 143 54 54 73
Other 135 117 125 129 95 136 120 89 93 114 121
Total 8,312 9,695 8,233 8,100 9,358 9,468 10,233 11,386 11,111 11,427 12,434
United States 4,931 5,802 4,831 5,328 5,970 6,008 6,232 7,157 7,122 6,637 7,396
Europe 553 593 738 1,026 1,375 1,549 1,548 1,800 1,972 1,880 1,943
Asia 617 1,301 1,259 1,530 1,276 1,359 1,598 1,563 1,651 1,508 1,962
Central america 218 240 208 274 305 388 419 433 488 521 499
Middle east 10 14 12 11 45 68 86 58 86 112 90
South america 109 96 124 54 36 56 62 59 64 62 73
Africa 5 11 23 16 82 36 18 23 37 28 53
Other 174 88 109 68 107 107 74 95 83 103 106
Total 6,616 8,145 7,302 8,307 9,198 9,572 10,036 11,188 11,504 10,852 12,122
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