
    Income and Expenditure Accounts Technical Series

    Human Resource Module of the Tourism Satellite Account - A Pilot Study for Ontario

    Regional methodology

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    The methodology used at the national level is also used for Ontario, since the same data sources are available at the provincial level. However some elements of the national methodology need further explanation when applied to a province.

    Information on the occupational distribution of jobs comes from the Census and is available both for Canada and for the province. From this information a number of the most prevalent occupations are selected for each tourism industry group and a residual category is created by amalgamating together all other occupations with fewer jobs. Results are then made available for each of the selected main occupations. More details on this process are available in Appendix D: Methodology in Step 3. The selection of main occupations was not changed for Ontario1 in order to ensure comparability of results between provincial and national data.

    The last step in developing estimates involves edits to series that appear out of line or generate erratic movements in the average annual hours or average hourly earnings. In particular, edits are made if hourly earnings are more than four times higher than the corresponding occupation average or less than half of the Ontario minimum wage or if hours reported are more than 70 hours a week.2 Results indicate that the edits still have little effect on the general pattern of the occupational distributions when applied to Ontario even though the data are slightly more volatile than at the national level. Approximately 2.8% of data cells were edited for Ontario (compared to 1.4% for Canada), affecting only 0.4% of jobs (compared to 0.1% for Canada).

    When the estimates are final, cells in the Human Resources Module (HRM) tables that are subject to publication are suppressed whenever the estimated number of jobs is less than 20. Below this threshold, the data are considered confidential. Sometimes other cells (that have 20 jobs or more) are suppressed as well when the number of jobs in confidential cells can be calculated residually. Results indicate that the number of cells with jobs below 20 is higher for Ontario (1.9%) than for Canada (0.7%) but very few jobs (0.4%) are affected. Suppression of cells at the detailed level does not alter estimates at a higher level.

    It should be noted that data related to the air transportation industry in Ontario is not available for publication because of the high degree of concentration in this industry. Data for the travel services industry is also not available for publication from 1997 to 2002.


    1. All main occupations in Ontario are included in the selection of main occupations used for the pilot. However a few of the main occupations used have a lower ranking for Ontario. See Appendix F: Tourism occupations in the HRM for more details.
    2. For details on exemptions to the Ontario minimum wage, and to standards for hours of work, see footnote 2 in Appendix D: Methodology.
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