Canada at a Glance 2020
Income, Spending

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Table 13
Median after-tax income, by economic family type, 2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Median after-tax income Constant dollars (2018) (appearing as column headers).
Constant dollars (2018)
Economic families, two or more people 84,900
Senior families 63,500
Senior couples 62,000
Other senior families 69,000
Non-seniory families 91,600
Couples 82,400
Couples with children 101,900
Couples with other relatives 125,800
Lone-parent families 52,000
Other non-senior families 74,700
Unattached individuals 30,700
Senior men 30,300
Senior women 27,900
Non-elderly men 33,200
Non-elderly women 30,600

Table 14
Average household expenditures
Table summary
This table displays the results of Average household expenditures 2016, 2017 and 2016-2017, calculated using dollars and percent change units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2016 2017 2016-2017
dollars percent change
Total expenditures 84,489 86,070 1.9
Total current consumption 62,183 63,723 2.5
Food 8,784 8,527 -2.9
Shelter 18,032 18,637 3.4
Household operations 4,704 4,827 2.6
Household furnishings and equipment 2,300 2,314 0.6
Clothing and accessories 3,371 3,430 1.8
Transportation 11,909 12,707 6.7
Health care 2,574 2,579 0.2
Personal care 1,311 1,300 -0.8
Recreation 3,935 3,986 1.3
Education 1,688 1,777 5.3
Reading materials and other printed matter 156 158 1.3
Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages 1,406 1,497 6.5
Games of chance (net amount) 217 200 -7.8
Miscellaneous 1,794 1,785 -0.5
Income taxes 15,310 14,993 -2.1
Personal insurance payments and pension contributions 5,067 5,137 1.4
Gifts of money, support payments and charitable contributions 1,929 2,218 15.0
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