Survey Methodology
Model-assisted optimal allocation for planned domains using composite estimation

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by Wilford B. Molefe and Robert Graham Clark
Volume 41, number 2, (December 2015), 377-387

  • Release date: June 22, 2016

The second paragraph of page 378 of our paper reviews the 2012 paper of Choudhry, Rao and Hidiroglou. Our paragraph as worded implies a criticism of this paper which we did not intend, and we take this opportunity to correct and clarify our review. The CVs we referred to were in Table 5 of Choudhry et al. (2012), and the heading of this table clearly indicated that the CVs were of composite estimators, rather than being unspecified as we incorrectly stated. We also suggested that some CVs in this table were surprisingly high. This would be the case if the CVs (actually relative root mean squared errors, following a common convention) were calculated using the approximation of Longford (2006) or our closely related anticipated mean squared errors. However, Choudhry et al. (2012) used a different (and more standard) estimator of mean squared error, and the high values are not surprising in this light.

We also stated that Choudhry et al. (2012) did not investigate whether other designs such as power allocation can give lower values of Longford’s criteria. This was correct, and motivated the research on this question in our paper. However we should have made clear that Choudhry et al. (2012) did consider square root allocation, a special case of power allocation, in terms of other criteria, such as setting small area CV tolerances.


Choudhry, G.H., Rao, J.N.K. and Hidiroglou, M.A. (2012). On sample allocation for efficient domain estimation. Survey Methodology, 38, 1, 23-29.

Longford, N.T. (2006). Sample size calculation for small-area estimation. Survey Methodology, 32, 1, 87-96.

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