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11F0027M Issue 088 – Economic Analysis Research Paper Series
The Distribution of Gross Domestic Product and Hours Worked in Canada and the United States Across Firm Size Classes
by Danny Leung and Luke Rispoli
Catalogue Number: 11F0027M, no 2014088
Reference Period: 2002 to 2008
Original Release date: January 8, 2014
Corrections have been made to this product.
The publication has been reloaded on March 12, 2014.
Please take note of the following change(s):
The U.S. data that were originally used in this paper and that were derived from the EU KLEMS / EUROSTAT Website were incorrectly labelled on that site as being measured in basic prices when they were really measured in market prices.
U.S. data in this paper have been relabelled to indicate that they are measured in market prices.
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