Having someone to count on

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Release date: August 9, 2022
Infographic: Impact of the low-fee Universal childcare program in Quebec, 1998 to 2015
Description: Having someone to count on

Canada’s Quality of Life Framework

The Quality of Life Framework includes indicators such as someone to count on and self-rated mental health. In this infographic, data about someone to count on are from responses to the question “How often would you say you have people you can depend on to help you when you really need it?” from the Canadian Social Survey, which was conducted from January to March 2022.

1. Three-quarters of people in Canada said they always or often have someone to count on

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Someone to count on (appearing as row headers), Percentage (appearing as column headers).
Someone to count on Percentage
Always 45%
Often 30%
Sometimes 17%
Rarely 6%
Never 2%

The percentage of people who said they always or often have someone to count on is 77% among women and 74% among men. This percentage is 71% among people living alone and 76% among people living in a multiple person household.

2. Youth and seniors reported higher levels of support than other age groups

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Age group (appearing as row headers), Percentage who reported always or often having someone to count on (appearing as column headers).
Age group Percentage who reported always or often having someone to count on
15 to 24 82%
25 to 34 76%
35 to 44 71%
45 to 54 70%
55 to 64 73%
65 to 74 76%
75 and older 83%

3. People who said they have someone to count on are more likely to report a strong sense of belonging to their community

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3. The information is grouped by Someone to count on (appearing as row headers), Percentage who reported a very strong or somewhat strong sense of belonging to their local community (appearing as column headers).
Someone to count on Percentage who reported a very strong or somewhat strong sense of belonging to their local community
Always or often 53%
Sometimes 32%
Rarely or never 20%

4. Over half of those with someone to count on reported excellent or very good health

Table 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4. The information is grouped by Someone to count on (appearing as row headers), Percentage who reported excellent or very good general health and Percentage who reported excellent or very good mental health (appearing as column headers).
Someone to count on Percentage who reported excellent or very good general health Percentage who reported excellent or very good mental health
Always or often 59% 53%
Sometimes 39% 31%
Rarely or never 37% 31%

Note: The data reflect the responses of the population aged 15 years and older in Canada’s 10 provinces.

Source: Canadian Social Survey, Wave 4, January to March 2022.

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