Table 10
Sewer and septic system connections, by province

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Sewer and septic system connections, by province
  Sewer Private septic system Communal septic system Municipal water supply 1 Non-municipal water supply 2
Sewer Private septic system Communal septic system Sewer Private septic system Communal septic system
Canada 82 13 1 92 3 0 E 8 87 2 E
Newfoundland and Labrador 80 15 E F 90 F F F 87 F
Prince Edward Island 63 36 F 96 F F F 88 F
Nova Scotia 62 34 F 94 F F 14 E 85 F
New Brunswick 52 42 F 95 F F 12 E 83 F
Quebec 83 13 F 93 E F E 89 F
Ontario 81 10 F 90 3 F F 91 F
Manitoba 85 14 F 96 F F F 80 F
Saskatchewan 91 E F 97 F F F 78 F
Alberta 88 E F 96 F F F 90 F
British Columbia 82 13 F 90 E F F 85 F
As a percentage of households that had a municipal water supply.
As a percentage of households that had a non-municipal water supply.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Households and the Environment Survey, 2009 (survey number 3881).
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