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    Social participation of children with disabilities

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    About two-thirds (63%) of children aged 5 to 14 who have disabilities and are living with their parents took part in organized sports and physical activities in 2006. Just over half (54%) were into non-sport activities like taking lessons, joining clubs and community groups; while nearly three-quarters (72%) were networking virtually with peers online and by phone.

    The type of disability was significantly associated only with non-sport activities, as children with a non-physical disability, such as a learning disability, had lower odds of participating. Similarly, the severity of limitation was related only to virtual networking—children with a severe disability were less likely to network online.

    Parental support at school increased a child's odds of participating in both organized sports and non-sport activities, but it did not increase their odds of using virtual social networks.

    Chart 29.4 Social participation of children with disabilities, 2006
    View data source for chart 29.4

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