Table 3
Selected types of formal employer support, by industry, volunteers aged 15 to 75 with employment, 2010

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Table 3
Selected types of formal employer support, by industry, volunteers aged 15 to 75 with employment, 2010
Table summary
This table displays the results of selected types of formal employer support. This information is grouped by industry or industry group (appearing as row header), and by any formal support, type of formal employer support, change hours or reduce work, use of facilities or equipment, recognition or letter of thanks, and paid time off (appearing as column headers), calculated using percentage as a unit of measure.
Industry or industry group Any formal support Type of formal employer support
Change hours or reduce work Use of facilities or equipment Recognition or letter of thanks Paid time off
Public administration; and utilities 70 40 34 30 41
Finance and insurance; real estate and rental and leasing 66 45 34 37 38
Professional, scientific and technical services 63 41 31 23E 28E*
Retail trade; and accommodation and food services 62 43 20* 20* 14E*
Other services 61 38 34 29E 20E*
Information and cultural; and arts, entertainment and recreation 61 35 37 25E 21E*
Educational services 60* 19* 47* 32 14*
Transportation and warehousing 58 39 31E 25E 21E*
Health care and social assistance 53* 34 29 23 11*
Construction; agriculture, forestry and fishing; and mining, oil and gas 49* 27* 25E 17E* 19E*
Manufacturing; and wholesale trade 47* 30 17* 18E* 16E*
Management, administrative and other support 45E* 32E 16E* F 22E*
E use with caution
F too unreliable to be published
reference group
* statistically significant difference (small alpha=0.05) from the reference group
Note: Only respondents who answered all the questions on formal employer support are included.
Source: Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2010.
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