Table 9
Donor rate for different solicitation methods, by province or territory, population aged 15 and over, 2010

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Table 9
Donor rate for different solicitation methods, by province or territory, population aged 15 and over, 2010
Province or territory Mail request Attending a charity event In memoriam donation At work Door-to-door canvassing At shopping centre or on street Telephone request In a place of worship Television or radio request On one's own Sponsoring someone
Newfoundland and Labrador 19* 28* 34* 28* 55* 30 8* 40* 19* 6* 49*
Prince Edward Island 25 32* 39* 25 46* 27* 12* 41* 8* 6* 36
Nova Scotia 24 28* 29 25 37* 33 7 29 9* 8 45*
New Brunswick 22 26 33* 25 41* 31 9* 38* 7* 7* 32
Quebec 24 21 13* 17* 25 38* 4* 34* 15* 11 18*
Ontario 25 23 27 24 26 32 5 29 5 9 36
Manitoba 24 26 27 25 29* 26* 6 35* 6 11 34
Saskatchewan 23 28* 21* 23 38* 23* 7 30 10* 10 37
Alberta 21* 22 17* 26 27 26* 5 28 5 13* 33
British Columbia 20* 22 16* 18* 18* 31 6 21* 6 12* 26*
Yukon 17* 30* 14* 17* 26 37 4E* 15* 5E 16* 24*
Northwest Territories 12* 8E* 10E* 16 18E* 15* F 24 F 7E 15*
Nunavut 7* 14E* 9E* 11* 10* 14* F 29 4E 5E* 16*
E use with caution
† reference group
* statistically significant difference (small alpha=0.05) from the reference group
Source: Statistics Canada, Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2010.
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