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- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019033Description: Immigrant Mobility by Geography of admission, Geography of residence, Immigrant mobility indicators, Age groups and sex at taxation year, Pre-admission experience, Knowledge of official languages at admission, Immigrant admission category, and admission year.Release date: 2024-12-19
- Table: 43-10-0017-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Interprovincial migration of immigrant taxfilers, by province of intended destination, province of residence, age group at taxation year by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0018-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Interprovincial migration of immigrant taxfilers, by age group at taxation year by sex, knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, pre-admission experience, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0022-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Immigrant mobility, by age and sex, knowledge of official languages at admission, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0024-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Economic regionFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Immigrant mobility by age and sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages at admission, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and ecomomic regions.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0028-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of asylum claimants, by sex, age group, birth area, residency status, claim year, and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019003Description: Immigrant Income, by sex, pre-landing experience, immigrant admission category, knowledge of official languages at admission, years since landing and landing year, for Canada and provinces.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0026-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of Immigrant tax-filers, by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0027-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of Immigrant taxfilers, by sex, immigrant admission category, socio-demographic profile, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0029-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Economic regionFrequency: AnnualDescription: Immigrant income by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages at admission, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and economic regions, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
Tables (49)
Tables (49) (0 to 10 of 49 results)
- Table: 43-10-0017-01Geography: CanadaFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Interprovincial migration of immigrant taxfilers, by province of intended destination, province of residence, age group at taxation year by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0018-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Interprovincial migration of immigrant taxfilers, by age group at taxation year by sex, knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, pre-admission experience, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0022-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Immigrant mobility, by age and sex, knowledge of official languages at admission, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0024-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Economic regionFrequency: AnnualDescription:
Immigrant mobility by age and sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages at admission, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and ecomomic regions.
Release date: 2024-12-19 - Table: 43-10-0028-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of asylum claimants, by sex, age group, birth area, residency status, claim year, and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0026-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of Immigrant tax-filers, by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0027-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of Immigrant taxfilers, by sex, immigrant admission category, socio-demographic profile, admission year and tax year, for Canada and provinces, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0029-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Economic regionFrequency: AnnualDescription: Immigrant income by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages at admission, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and economic regions, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0030-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area partFrequency: AnnualDescription: Income of Immigrant taxfilers, by sex, pre-admission experience, knowledge of official languages at admission, immigrant admission category, admission year and tax year, for Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas, 2022 constant dollars.Release date: 2024-12-09
- Table: 43-10-0075-01Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territoryFrequency: AnnualDescription: 2021 economic outcomes of taxfiling immigrants admitted between 0 and 14 years of age compared to Canadian taxfilers by age at taxation, sex, admission category, period of admission, age group at admission, and low income duration during first 4 years after admission, for Canada and provinces.Release date: 2024-04-09
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Data Visualization (2)
Data Visualization (2) ((2 results))
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019033Description: Immigrant Mobility by Geography of admission, Geography of residence, Immigrant mobility indicators, Age groups and sex at taxation year, Pre-admission experience, Knowledge of official languages at admission, Immigrant admission category, and admission year.Release date: 2024-12-19
- Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019003Description: Immigrant Income, by sex, pre-landing experience, immigrant admission category, knowledge of official languages at admission, years since landing and landing year, for Canada and provinces.Release date: 2024-12-09
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